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Superstar Writer Cullen Bunn Reveals Foolproof Plan To Break Into Comics

Catwoman breaking into comics from Injustice: Gods Among Us #17 by Tom Taylor, David Yardin, and Le Beau Underwood
Catwoman breaking into comics from Injustice: Gods Among Us #17 by Tom Taylor, David Yardin, and Le Beau Underwood

Yesterday marked the record-breaking 5,674th time in the past two years that everyone on comics Twitter posted threads on how to break into comics. Bleeding Cool's Joe Glass, who has, himself, broken into comics, documented some of the tweets yesterday. But the "how to break into comics" twitter train has continued rolling into this morning, with Cullen Bunn, superstar writer of comics such as The Sixth Gun, Uncanny X-Men, Deadpool and the Mercs for Money, Harrow CountyMonsters Unleashed, Micronauts, and Conan the Slayer (along with about a hundred others) chiming in with his own foolproof plan that can work for you, yes you, for the low, low price of only $10.

See for yourself:

Ahem. Though, everyone could just wait two weeks until comics twitter starts tweeting about it all over again, too.

Fun fact we just made up: that other creator was "The Great One" Brian Bendis, and this is why Bunn shaves his head.

That sounds like an UNCANNY ability. But how can you make this work for you?

We're happy to oblige! If you want to break into comics, just paypal superstar writer Cullen Bunn $10 and he will say you will never break into comics, using his awesome jinx powers to ensure that you will in fact immediately break into comics, without doing any hard work to make it happen!

We're getting the right message out of this, right?

Of course! Cullen Bunn is a man who knows what he's talking about. He writes something like fifteen current ongoing titles, after all. He's a smart, smart man.

Oh. Nevermind.

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Jude TerrorAbout Jude Terror

A prophecy once said that in the comic book industry's darkest days, a hero would come to lead the people through a plague of overpriced floppies, incentive variant covers, #1 issue reboots, and super-mega-crossover events. Sadly, that prophecy was wrong. Oh, Jude Terror was right. For ten years. About everything. But nobody listened. And so, Jude Terror has moved on to a more important mission: turning Bleeding Cool into a pro wrestling dirt sheet!
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