Posted in: Comics | Tagged: armstrong, cary nord, Comics, entertainment, eternal warrior, fred van lente, Ivar, The Green Knight, valiant
Sword Of The Valiant – How Gilad Anni-Padda Fills The Role Of Sir Gawain
I grew up a big fan of the Arthurian legends and I know I'm not the only one. They pop up all the time as someone is always wanting to try a new version of the classic tale of Arthur, Merlin and Excalibur. We even got to see them on Legends of Tomorrow the other night. So, it should be too surprising to see that Valiant is bringing one of the classic stories, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, into their universe… but as told using the Immoral Brothers – Armstrong, Eternal Warrior and Ivar the Timewalker – in a one-shot special by Fred Van Lente and Cary Nord.
It's winter at King Arthur's court in Camelot! The monstrous Green Knight has appeared before the Round Table with no armor, a gigantic axe, and a challenge. He has come to insist that the weaker knights participate in a friendly "winter's game" where anyone can strike him once with his axe, but on one condition: That the Green Knight can return the exact blow in one year's time. King Arthur has agreed to face the mysterious knight himself, but the Round Table's youthful and most gallant champion, Sir Gilad, takes up the challenge to protect his king. Much to the court's surprise, the Green Knight doesn't flinch as his head is struck clean off…only to pick it up himself and warn Gilad that he is fated to receive the same blow before the year is out. Now, Gilad – the Eternal Warrior – must solve the mystery of who the Green Knight is before his hour at the axe comes to pass! But first, he'll need to find some help…in the form of his own immortal brothers – Armstrong and Ivar – who shall be united once more!
If you're not familiar with the story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, there was a film in 1984 called Sword of the Valiant… interesting title… which tells the tale and has Sean Connery in the role of the Green Knight. Here is a clip.
So this is the second time the Green Knight has been connected to the word Valiant. I'm curious how they will build the tension about Gilad getting killed if he's immortal… or is this before they became immortal?
It's really nice to see Valiant expanding past their base universe and doing new things like Savage and Britannia, as well as classic tales like this. It's a good way to grow their universe and reach out to new fans. This may even open up other specials and one-shots involving the Immortal Brothers.
Immortal Brothers: Tales of the Green Knight #1 hits stores April 12th with covers by all-star artists Cary Nord (Conan), Mico Suayan (Bloodshot Reborn), Marc Laming (Ninjak), and newcomer J.M. Dragunas. Here you can see those covers plus a look inside the special.