Posted in: Comics, NYCC | Tagged: andrew rev, Brian Keene, Donny Cates, terrific production llc, youngblood
Terrific Production LLC Wages War on Comics Establishment
Terrific Production LLC, the new publisher owned by Andrew Rev which has been taking the comics twitter world by storm after obtaining the rights to Youngblood to the chagrin of creator Rob Liefeld, has announced some big plans for 2020.
Terrific linked to the Wikipedia entry for Operation Overlord, the Allied campaign during World War 2 to take back Europe from the Nazis. Terrific has previously compared rival comic book publishers to Nazi high command while seeking intelligence about upcoming comic book solicitations so they could plan their Youngblood launch in response.
So it's clear what terrific is talking about.
It's the waging of war, a D-Day invasion of the industry's Normandy, so to speak. But according to Terrific, this isn't a war they started.
And it's a war Terrific plans to win. After surveying their Totally Terifically Legion on Twitter, data tells Terrific that they are likely to one day license Marvel and DC comics, with DC 300% more likely than Marvel to get out of the publishing business.
Speaking of legit math, Terrific also has sales projections for their upcoming Youngblood #1, using advanced 9th-grade algebra.
Even so, rivals at Marvel are engaging in clear acts of sabotage, launching comics on January 1st, the day everybody knows is Youngblood Day.
And award-winning novelist, totally not terrific person, and one of the writers of an upcoming Thor project for Marvel, Brian Keene, also jumped in, attempting to bet Terrific that they would not have Youngblood comics ready to ship on Youngblood Day, despite reportedly hiring multiple creative teams as feints just so no one knows who the real creative team will be.
Unfortunately for Keene and his wiseass Thor buddy, global entertainment superstar and fashion icon Donny Cates, Terrific Production LLC got the last laugh, blocking Keene on Twitter.
The saga continues…