More Skybound Entertainment layoffs identified, this year and last, including the new Head of Global Publicity who didn't last the month.
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: matt wagner, newlitg
The Daily LITG, 9th October 2019 – Happy Birthday, Matt Wagner
Welcome to the pretty-much-mostly-daily Lying In The Gutters. A run around the day before and the day ahead. You can sign up to receive it as an e-mail here. If you are getting over your New York Comic Con hangover…
The 11 most-read stories yesterday
- Is Rob Liefeld Going to Sue Marvel Comics?
- Jonathan Kent To Be The New Superman For DC Comics?
- Gossip: Wonder Woman Will Be the First to be Replaced in DC Comics' 5G?
- Watch Out, Watch Out, There are Powers Of X #6 Finale Spoilers About
- Gossip: Will Teen Lantern Take Over The Green Lantern Comic in 2020?
- David Tennant's Doctor Who to Meet Jodie Whittaker's Doctor in 2020 – in the Comics
- Some Potential DC Comics 5G Gossip From New York Comic Con
- Jon Kent Has a Surprise for Damian Wayne in Superman #16 [Preview]
- Gossip: Luke Fox, Jonathan Kent – What DC Comics' 5G is All About
- Marc Maron Goes After Todd Phillips' Comedy Comments
- Paving the Way for 5G in The Flash #80? [Preview]
And one year ago…
- Based on Trailer, Mark Millar Says Aquaman is Decades Better Than Marvel Cinematic Universe
- The Return of Cyclops? Plus All the Less Important X-Men News From NYCC [X-ual Healing 9-03-2018]
- A Better Look at Brian Bendis' Wonder Comics Line
- Stan Lee Issues Statement About Keya Morgan's 'Hostage Videos' to Bleeding Cool
- Cloak & Dagger Relaunched After Only 6 Issues as Cloak & Dagger: Negative Exposure
Happening today…
- Reads: Teen Titans: Ravens , Gosh Comics, London 7-9pm.
- Private View: Comic Tendencies at the Eve Leibe Gallery. A group featuring for the first time in London, Samantha Rosenwald, Oda Iselin Sønderland and Maurizio Bongiovanni. The works in the exhibition challenge the social expectations of masculine behaviours, defying rigid gender categories in an amusing light. Eve Leibe Galler, 30 Elizabeth Street London, Belgravia. 5-8pm.
- Inktober. Our latest collaboration with Sketchy B*tches. More details coming soon! 6:3-9:30pm, Cartoon Museum, Wells St, London
- Delilah Dawson and Kevin Hearne signing The Princess Beard at Park Road Books, Charlotte, North Carolina 7pm.
- The Goon 20th Anniversary signing with Eric Powell, Aw Yeah Comics, Harrison, New York 5-8pm.
- Shannon Hale, LeUyen Pham, & Raina Telgemeier at Provo Library, Provo, Utah, 7-9pm.
- Kieron Gillen signing, Newbury Comics – Faneuil Hall, Boston, Massachusetts 5-8pm.
- Panel: First Second's Science Comics, Porter Square Books25 White St, Cambridge, Massachusetts 7-8pm,
- Copra #1 Launch Signing with Michel Fiffe, Third Eye Comics, Annapolis, Maryland, 6-8pm.
- ARIA Vol 1 Signing at The Comic Bug, Manhattan Beach, California, 5-9pm.
And a happy birthday to…
- Comic book creator of Grendel, Matt Wagner
- Uncharted comics publisher Martin A Stephenson
- Comic book retailer at Ssalesfish, Bret Parks
- Comic book creator of Thanos, Jim Starlin.
- Comic book creator Michael Netzer
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