Posted in: Comics | Tagged: alex ross, newlitg, pokemon, transformers, wrestling
Transformers, Pokemon, Alex Ross – The Daily LITG, 8th August 2020
The world can seem like a terrible and strange place sometimes, but at Bleeding Cool you can still read all about comics, merch, TV shows, games, movies and more. Yesterday, that saw wrestling, Transformers, Pokemon as well as gossip that Alex Ross may be returning to DC Comics. The Daily Lying In The Gutters, remains a long-running run around the day before and the day ahead. You can sign up to receive it as an e-mail here.
It's all Wrestling, Transformers, Pokemon and Alex Ross – the ten most-read stories on Bleeding Cool yesterday
Wrestling, Transformers, Pokemon, there must be some comic book content in here somewhere… and there Alex Ross is.
- Khan Taking Over WWE, Assumes Role as Company's New President
- Is The Making A Splash Ticket Worth Buying In Pokémon GO?
- The Flash, Supergirl Stars Look to the Future in New Key Art Looks
- Gossip: Could Alex Ross Be Coming to DC Comics? How About Mark Waid?
- Yen Press Announces 10 New Manga and Light Novels for August
- Transformers Optimus Prime Gets New Figure from Hasbro/Threezero
- Pokémon GO Dragon Week Review: Roaring Success Or Deino Disaster?
- Where Are Deino & Gible In Pokémon GO? A Dragon Week Problem
- Transformers Decepticon Leader Megatron Arrives with Hasbro/Threezero
- Valiant Entertainment Manhattan Offices Closed Permanently
ICYMI: five more you may prefer
They weren't in the top ten, but they may be just what you are looking for.
- Ramon Villalobos Denies Bad Idea Comics Artwork Is His
- The Iron Man 3 Kid Could Have Been Chinese, To Flatter Xi Jinping
- When Iron Man 3 Beijing Set Shot Was Fake-Leaked to the Press
- Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips' Reckless OGN Is Not Beginning a Trilogy
- The Walking Dead Wins Trademark Battle Over The Toking Dead
One year ago.
Ah, when our biggest concern was working out the language in the House OF X comic books…
- Iron Studios Reveals "I Am Iron Man" Statue That We Love 3000
- Moira MacTaggert – an Omega Level Mutant? "House Of X" #2 Spoilers
- "The Walking Dead": Will "Hobbs & Shaw" Bring "The Rock" into TWDU?
- Today, The Punisher is Destroyed by New Origin Twist in "Savage Avengers" #4 (SPOILERS)
- The Perils Of The Comic Store Pull List, Strike Again
- No Buffy or Angel but a Whole Lot of Dark Willow in "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" #7 Spoilers
- "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia": FX Wants More; McElhenney Posts
- New Youngblood Publisher Trolls Rob Liefeld on Twitter, Wants to Make Him Famous
- The Hulk Reads Comments on Trans Articles Online… You Wouldn't Like It When He Gets Angry
- By The Maker – Where is the Ultimate Reed Richards Today? Absolute Carnage and Beyond…(Spoilers)
- Teach Yourself Krakoan With Bleeding Cool
What's happening today…
Plenty of comic book events happening online as a handful return to going offline – such as in New Jersey today.
- Online 2020 Dublin Comic Con Summer Edition, 11am BST
- Fantom Comics at DC Dog Days Virtual Sidewalk Sale, DuPont Circle, 11am EDT
Comic Book birthdays today.
There may not be much of a party atmosphere right now. All depends on which state you are living in. But comics folk are still getting older and still celebrating that special date.
- Carlo Barberi, artist on Justice League, Deadpool, Impulse, co-creator of Casey Blue.
- Rick Marshall, writer on Kingdom Bum, comics journalist.
- Sheldon Inkol, author of Nut Runners.
- Janice Cohen, colourist.
- Dirk Strangely, creator of Graveyard Girl.
- Paul Rainey, creator of Memory Man, Thunder Brother: Soap Division and There's No Time Like The Present.
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Interested in more discussion about Wrestling, Transformers, Pokemon, Alex Ross, or what this all means? Subscribe to our LitG Daily Mailing List. And we'll see you here tomorrow.