Posted in: Comics, DC Comics, Image, Marvel Comics | Tagged: bestseller, Death Metal, X Of Swords, x-men
X Of Swords: Destruction and X-Men Tops Bleeding Cool Bestseller List
This is the Top Ten Bleeding Cool Bestseller List, as compiled by a number of comic stores from their sales on Wednesday and Thursday. It measures what are known as the "Wednesday Warriors", those who can't wait till the weekend to get this week's comics. Though thanks to DC, Tuesday Titans too. If any other retailers would like to report their top sellers, please contact
Top Ten Bleeding Cool Bestseller List of the week
Marvel grab back the two top spots for X Of Swords.
- X Of Swords: Destruction #1
- X-Men #15
- Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Multiverse Who Laughs #1
- Excalibur #15
- Batman: White Knight Presents Harley Quinn #2
- Detective Comics #1031
- Amazing Spider-Man 53.LR #53
- Maestro #4
- Spawn #312
- Other History of the DC Universe #1
Thanks to the following Bestseller List retailers…
- Dr. No's Comics & Games SuperStore, San Francisco, California
- Ssalefish Comics, Winston-Salem, Greensboro, Concord, North Carolina
- Collector's Paradise North Hollywood, California
- Fat Jack's Comicrypt, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Famous Faces and Funnies. West Melbourne, Florida
- Rodman Comics, Ankeny, Iowa
If you would like to contribute to the Bestseller List retailer charts, let me know at Retailers come and go and we always appreciate new blood, especially from retailers in other locations.
Who had this to say…
- Dr No's: Three DC's on this week's top ten, six Marvels, and one Image title–but for the first time in a while, none of DC's Bat-books took the number one slot, which went instead to X of Swords: Destruction #1. Sales were down markedly on Death Metal: Multiverse Who Laughs #1 when compared to earlier tie-in one shots, and a lot of readers bailed on the second issue of Batman: White Knight Presents Harley Quinn after buying the first issue and discovering that Sean Murphy is only marginally involved. Response to Future State is also very subdued with preorders coming in significantly below their DCU counterpart titles, so I'm expecting to see major DC falloff in January and February.
- Ssalefish Comics: This week was pretty sparse for releases but thank goodness for Thanksgiving boredom to save the week and make it a very profitable one! Batman and Batman related books sweep the top 3, big surprise.
- Famous Faces and Funnies: X of Swords wrapped up nicely for us at FFF with the final chapter taking the top spot in our Weekly Top Ten. Thanks to a torrent of covers, the final chapter in the mega-sized X event outsold DC's own overly-bloated seemingly endless event Death Metal's Multiverse Who Laughs by just one copy. As for the other X-Titles, X-Men and Excalibur both made it to the middle of the Top Ten at #5 and 6 respectively. I imagine we'll see X-Men keep it's numbers but I expect to see Excalibur dip a little bit now that the event has wrapped up. As for Batman, the usual king of our Top Ten, Detective Comics and the White Knight Harley both sold well enough and took the #3 and 4 spot. On the indie side of things, Department of Truth has become a store favorite. James Tynion has shown how capable he is at maintaining multiple series of equal quality well. Once and Future #13 on it's second week rounded out our Top Ten at #10.
- Rodman Comics: With the holidays so close it always throws off the sales. Even with the virus a lot of people left town to go be with loved ones before getting their comics. Wednesday was weak, because of the holiday and we had our Black Friday sales when people could get a discount on comics, and yes we did offer curbside. Hope everyone had a good holiday and stay safe everyone.