Posted in: Card Games, Games | Tagged: 200th YCS, Columbus, Konami, yu gi oh!
200th Yu-Gi-Oh! YCS Columbus Dragon Duel: Christopher Cameron Monk vs. Aiden Claros
So while we've been watching the 200th Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series here in Columbus, there's been a second competition happening for people of a certain age. The Dragon Duel Championship has been happening alongside the main tournament, specifically designed for players born after 2006 (meaning you need to be 12 and under to complete). It may not be as big as the other tournament, but it definitely has some top-level players competing for the championship all the same. The last two challenges at the end of the day were Aiden Claros coming in clean with his Dark Gouki Deck facing off against Michael Monk who brought in a strong Invoked Deck.
Carlos won the roll and started the first of a best of three, starting off strong with a Reinforcement of the Army followed up by a series of quick additions before striking early with a combo move of a Gouki Re-Match, Gouki Headbatt, and Gouki Suprex. Monk charged back later on with a Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit to vanquish a few cards, but this was about as good of a highlight he had during the first encounter. The rest of the match belonged to Carlos who took Monk to task with a Firewall Dragon, eventually bringing out Knightmare Phoenix and then a link summon for the Knightmare Mermaid. The end of the match came with another link summon for a Linkuriboh to start the final phases, as Monk tried to push his way back into the match with Terraforming to gain Magical Meltdown, but it was to no avail and the Mermaid finished off the rest of Monk's field to end the match with Carlos going up 1-0.
Monk elected for Carlos to go first in the second match, which probably wasn't the best choice as Carlos came out the gate swinging with a Cyber Dragon followed up eventually by a Droll & Lock Bird. A good chunk of the match saw Monk drawing and fending off attacks and damage, but he never got a full chance to get an opening to attack Carlos to deal a fair amount of damage or keep the character amount down. Later in the game The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine made a return from the graveyard and that was the beginning of the end as Destiny HERO – Malicious led to a summon of Knightmare Phoenix, followed up by a Gouki Re-Match to Special Summon Suprex and Octostretch. After the Firewall Dragon made his appearance, it was over as Carlos went up 2-0 and took the championship.