Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: Alola, Alolan Diglett, Alolan Geodude, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go
Alolan Versions of Diglett and Geodude Are Coming to Pokémon GO
As Niantic slowly ramps up for Pokémon GO Fest this year, it looks like we'll be getting some added creatures around the time of the event. The news came as the company released a new bit of info yesterday for Professor Willow's Global Challenge, it was revealed near the bottom of the list about a couple new Pokémon on the way, which officially revealed that Alola Diglett and Alola Geodude will be coming to the game and be available worldwide starting at the festival.
The Cheering Pokémon, Plusle and Minun, will also appear more frequently worldwide as Trainers complete themed Field Research tasks. Catching Plusle and Minun will result in bonus Stardust, and lucky Trainers might even discover their Shiny versions!
The Alolan forms of Diglett and Geodude will be in on the fun, too. Beginning that weekend Alolan Diglett and Alolan Geodude will be appearing globally for the first time in Pokémon GO. Don't miss the chance to encounter the unique forms of these Pokémon.
Pokémon GO Fest is happening in Chicago from July 14th-15th, meaning we're about a month from getting them. But this is probably just the beginning as the company released legendary creatures during last year's fest as well. Sure, they were released because the festival was a flop and fans were pissed, but that doesn't mean they won't have any on-deck in case it happens again.