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ARKTIKA.1 Introduces Cloud Saves And Additional Language Support In New Update

ARKTIKA.1 Introduces Cloud Saves And Additional Language Support In New Update
Credit// 4A Games

The latest update for 4A Games' Sci-fi VR Shooter ARKTIKA.1 introduces a ton of new features, including cloud saves for players with multiple PCs and additional language support. The new localizations mean that the game is now playable in German, French, and Spanish. Oculus Rift users can now download Patch #3 from the Oculus app.

ARKTIKA.1 is a visceral VR first-person shooter powered by the acclaimed 4A Engine and built from the ground up for Oculus Touch. With breathtaking detail and superior shooting mechanics, ARKTIKA.1 offers unprecedented scope, storytelling, and graphical fidelity in a VR first-person shooter. The game is set nearly a century in the frozen future of Earth, and as a mercenary your job is to protect one of the last colonies in the wastelands of old Russia from invading forces bent on the extinction of the human race as we know it. So, no pressure.

The full list of changes made in Patch v.420870 are below.


  • ARKTIKA.1 is now available in German, French, and Spanish!

Cloud Saves

  • ARKTIKA.1 now has a Cloud Save functionality that retains your save files, so you can play from any PC.


  • Fixed a bug causing saved progress to persist between different Oculus accounts on the same machine.
  • Fixed several known crashes.
  • Multiple performance improvements throughout.

Level Specific

  • Fixed a few bugs encountered during METRO: Robot Gone Rogue causing yagas to act unintentionally.
  • Fixed a bug where objects thrown at the player by the mech in METRO: Robot Gone Rogue and TERMINAL: Robot Redux were not destructible.
  • Updated balance for the Punisher against the mech in METRO: Robot Gone Rogue and TERMINAL: Robot Redux.
  • Fixed a bug encountered during the mech battles in METRO: Robot Gone Rogue and TERMINAL: Robot Redux causing the mech to become immortal or act unintentionally.
  • Fixed a bug causing the drone to infinitely format data in SECRET HQ: Unknown Territory.
  • Fixed a bug allowing the player to destroy the Firebird using the Punisher in GALLERIA: Meeting Mr. Mitchell.
  • Fixed a bug preventing progression in RAIL DEPOT: The Vault with Punisher equipped.
  • Fixed a bug with container locks on RAIL DEPOT: The Vault


  • The player can no longer accidentally start levels without their weapons holstered.
  • Weapon balance adjusted throughout.
  • Weapon damage output post-upgrade has been corrected.
  • Attachments have been balanced throughout to work more accurately and provide the player with better precision.
  • Several achievements and perks have been balanced.
  • Fixed a bug allowing the player to destroy friendly drones with the EM Pulse perk.
  • Fixed several bugs involving movement points causing the player to get stuck.
  • Fixed several additional minor bugs.

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Madeline RicchiutoAbout Madeline Ricchiuto

Madeline Ricchiuto is a gamer, comics enthusiast, bad horror movie connoisseur, writer and generally sarcastic human. She also really likes cats and is now Head Games Writer at Bleeding Cool.
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