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Blizzard Offers Beta Perspective From Diablo Immortal
Blizzard Entertainment has posted a new blog for Diablo Immortal as they have decided to share what they learned from the beta period. From October 2021 to January 2022, the team held a Closed Beta for the game to see how things were working out and start ironing out all the kinks. Which included addressing a number of things such as set items, Helliquary updates, the Necromancer class, and controller support. Now they have a blog post with all of their findings as they move into the next phase, penned by Game Director Wyatt Cheng, which we have a snippet of two categories from that blog for you below. No word yet on when the game will be fully released or even when an Open Beta will be taking place.
Social & Group Improvements
Diablo Immortal is an MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online game), and an important part of any MMO is the friendships you form and the sense of community you belong in. Our game's social communities start with parties, and we want to promote party formation between like-minded players to complete shared goals. Bounties were one system that led to a lot of group play, but also some challenges in beta. They're repeatable, randomly-selected quests that you can complete in quick succession, earning bonus rewards for every four you turn in. During the Closed Beta, we received feedback that a lot of players who got assigned dungeon bounties felt like they were forced to group in order to complete them. Groupmates receiving that player often wanted to do multiple dungeon runs, and would be disappointed when a player immediately left the party after completing their bounty. We'll be adjusting bounties so that they're exclusively solo, and we're looking into making the Shadows' Contracts more flexible in the future. We want to provide concrete incentives for grouping, but we also want to empower you to choose whether you want to play all-solo or all-group content.
Raid Improvements
We're excited to see many of you enjoying the Helliquary—massive 8-player raid boss encounters that demand extra coordination to overcome. Our intention is to release one new Helliquary boss every month, but in order to provide more granularity and a better sense of progression, we are going to also provide multiple difficulty levels for each boss. During beta, a number of you expressed feedback that the gap in difficulty between the bosses, Lassal and Vitaath, was too large; with this change, we think the Helliquary will remain rewarding to all types of players, but also close the difficulty gap for those who may feel too daunted to play this content. We also heard lots of requests for better grouping, matchmaking, and raid management tools, and we're happy to oblige! The [Diablo Immortal] raid UI in the Closed Beta was a first-pass implementation, and you can expect visual and functionality improvements in the future.