Posted in: Conan Exiles, Funcom, Games, Video Games | Tagged: conan, Conan Exiles – Age Of War
Conan Exiles – Age Of War Launches Chapter 2 Today
Conan Exiles – Age Of War has officially launched Chapter 2 today, bringing with it a new level of difficulty and experience.
Funcom has officially released new content into Conan Exiles – Age Of War today, as Chapter 2's content has been added to the game. The content will bring with it an entirely new experience and a way to play the game, as well as a heightened level of difficulty, but also a chance to grow your treasure hoards greater than before. You'll be put to the test frequently from invading forces from the Stygian Empire in the revamped purge system, as you will also face threats on a global level as well. You can check out more in the latest trailer below as the content is live.
"In Chapter 2, take full control over both when a purge attacks, and the difficulty of the event. As Stygian fighters pour from a nearby war camp, defend your base and the treasure within it against wave after wave, until the Hand of War emerges. Defeat him and reap the rewards, which improve according to difficulty. This is a completely new experience in Conan Exiles, leveraging the game's deeply customizable player-built bases and followers to create epic battles with high replayability. In addition, loot tables across the entire game have been improved, making enemy drops reflect their culture, environment, and equipment."
"Leave the confines of your fortress to raid camps and delve into dungeons to find the rarest of loot. Thanks to their systemic nature, the impact of these features can be felt by new players taking their first steps out of the desert, to end-game veterans dominating the Exiled Lands and raising whole cities. Chapter 2 also comes with an abundance of brand-new paid cosmetics through the Battle Pass and Bazaar item shop. The majority of these are themed to the Age of War and the Stygian Empire, including the majestic pyramid building set, Stygian weapon and armor skins, new emotes, pets, war paints, and more. Change the skyline of the Exiled Lands with your creations."