Posted in: Board Games, Darrington Press, Games, Tabletop | Tagged: board games, critical role, Darrington Press, Tabletop, Uk’otoa
Critical Role Announces Darrington Press' Inaugural Game: Uk'otoa
Critical Role's tabletop gaming division Darrington Press revealed their first board game on the way with Uk'otoa. The name of the game comes from the monster that has been haunting the character Fjord in Campaign Two since the start, as you will now be on a mission to escape the deadly tentacles of this beast or be swallowed whole by it to become another servant. The game will further cement the adventures of the D&D group as players can explore the unique challenge of one of the more mysterious god-like creatures in their universe. As for when you can get your hands on it, the game will be released on May 27th through hobby shops. You can read a little bit more about the game below and check out a special trailer for it that will have you singing sea shanties for a while.
In this tactical semi-coop board game, all players are aboard a single ship which is being sunk by the monstrous beast known as Uk'otoa. Sailors flee, push, and sacrifice each other in order to escape its terrible tentacles and maw to be the last claimed by the raging sea leviathan. Worshipped by sailors, pirates, and other seafarers, Uk'otoa has finally escaped his prison and is wreaking havoc in the Lucidian Ocean! He is risen, and he is hungry.
Created by Jeb Havens (Burrows, Mother Sheep, You Don't Know My Life!), with additional game design by Gabriel Hicks (Roll20, Paizo, Mythic Grove), art by Critter Hannah Friederichs, Uk'otoa Sculpt by Niklas Norman (Runewars, Imperial Assault, Fallout: The Board Game) and layout by Vee Hendro (Good Society: A Jane Austen RPG, Visigoths vs Mall Goths, and Lost Roads), Uk'otoa is a must-have for fans of tactical card play, map reduction board games, and legendary sea creature enthusiasts.