Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: adventure week, Archen, pokemon, pokemon go, Tirtouga
Here's What Shiny Tirtouga & Archen Will Look Like In Pokémon GO
Adventure Week 2022 begins today in Pokémon GO. This is definitely a "get out there and walk" event, as most of the best new content can be found in 7KM Gift Eggs and PokéStop tasks. Among that new content is two new species, Amaura and Tyrunt, but we know what our Pokémon GO readership tends to be most interested in: Shiny releases. Today's Adventure Week does indeed bring not just one but two new Shinies into the game, and they're good ones. We're getting Shiny Archen and Shiny Tirtouga. These species are so rare as it is that I know some hardcore Trainers who have yet to obtain one, so this will at least help many players get their first Archen and Tirtouga if not a Shiny. Let's take a look at the Shiny comparisons, though, and how evolution really did these two wrong.
Take a look above. To the left is the standard Archen and Tirtouga next to their Shiny counterparts. To the right, we see the standard and Shiny evolutions, Archeops and Carracosta. Weirdly enough, evolution ends up dulling the sparkle of these Shinies. The Stage One Shinies look terrific with different and vibrant colors, but the evolutions simply seem to make the standard version darker. Who knows what happened there when The Pokémon Company was designing these, but if I just get one of each, I'm going to keep them unevolved.
The Adventure Week 2022 event will run in Pokémon GO from Tuesday, June 7th, 2022, at 10:00 AM to Sunday, June 12, 2022, at 8:00 PM local time. Keep in mind that there is a special event-within-an-event added to the festivities with Ultra Unlock:
- Ultra Unlock: Research Day: On Sunday, June 12th, 2022 from 11 AM – 3 PM, there will be a Limited Research Day featuring tasks at Poké Stops that award encounters with Cranidos and Shieldon.
- Cranidos and Shieldon will have a boosted Shiny rate during this event.
- Wild encounters during Ultra Unlock: Research Day will be Diglett, Alolan Diglett, Geodude, Alolan Geodude, Onix, Rhyhorn, Sudowoodo, Aron, and Dwebble.
- Tyrunt and Amaura will appear in the wild! Tyrunt will appear from 11 AM – 12 PM and 1 PM – 2 PM. Amaura will appear from 12 PM – 1 PM and 2 PM – 3 PM.
- Niantic notes: "Keep an eye on the sky when you see Amaura—you just might notice some special weather!"