Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: gible, Niantic, Niantic Labs, pokemon, pokemon go
It's Finally Happening: Gible Community Day In Pokémon GO
At one point, it was a given. Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon got Community Days in Pokémon GO, and that was it. The fanbase knew and expected it. That was thrown into question, though, when Gible quietly saw its Shiny release in December 2019 without announcement. Then, hope was once again stoked when Niantic began to get weird with Community Days in 2020, removing a Shiny release as a guaranteed feature. However, as time has gone on and Gible has remained a rare spawn that the company has been able to monetize throughout multiple events, hope dwindled. I'll admit, even my hope was built up by Fletchling Community Day and Snivy Community Day returning the monthly event to some semblance of pre-2020 normalcy but was then promptly snuffed out by Swablu Community Day. But here it is… there was reason to hope after all. Niantic took to Twitter to announce, after all this time… Gible Community Day.
"Gible. June 6. That's it. That's the tweet. #PokemonGOCommunityDay."
Have eight words and a hashtag ever been sweeter?
Gible Community Day is good for Pokémon GO for more reasons just the obvious. (The obvious being that Gible has remained a rare Pokémon with its Shiny primarily held behind the paywall of raids and Eggs for a long time.) What this means is that there is an end to the paywall. It seemed, for a while, that Niantic had compared the Gible situation to their previous treatment of Larvitar and Bagon and decided that rares will remain rares. This is in many ways how they make the big bucks. The fact that we are now getting Gible Community Day means that other Pokémon who are Gible-rare can and likely will get their days as well.
Deino Community Day. Axew Community Day. Goomy Community Day. They're all back on the table.
Also, as a final note, most players are happy about Gible Community Day in Pokémon GO while a select few are upset that the Shiny they worked hard to get will be "devalued." Pokémon GO isn't about rarity and trophies, though, and shouldn't be. It's about memories and community. We have the memories of the Gible we worked hard to get. Now, though, the community has put in enough time, effort, and money into attempting to catch a rare Pokémon. Now, Gible has its day and while it may have come late, it means a lot that it's here.