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Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: lord of the rings, Lord of the Rings Online, LoTR, Standing Stone Games
Lord Of The Rings Online Celebrates 15 Years With New Content
Standing Stone Games are celebrating fifteen years of Lord Of The Rings Online with an event and a new region to explore. The in-game anniversary event officially kicks off today and will be running all the way until May 11th at 3am ET. The event will bring about cosmetics, fireworks, a number of new items, and rewards for you to snag. Alongside the anniversary, which will be a part of Update 33, the team have also added a brand new region to explore called the Yondershire for you to explore and quest in. You can read more of what you can expect below.
Lord Of The Rings Online 15th Anniversary Events
- Another Lovely Year – Players can start the celebrations by going to the Party Tree, located on The Hill in The Shire. Here they will be able to pick up quests, earn and redeem anniversary tokens for rewards, and party with others.
- Introducing: A Flurry of Fireworks! – This year the LOTRO team is debuting a new Festivity Instance in which players will be tasked with helping to bring about the greatest fireworks display Bree-land has ever seen. Earn festivity tokens to redeem for prizes and rewards!
- New Items and Rewards – Among the new the new rewards are cosmetic items, a steed, and war-steed cosmetics, a new Golden Crystal Beetle cosmetic pet, new fireworks consumables, a new housing fire pit and fireplace, and the debut of a new pet: the Corgi!
- New Cosmetic Pet: Corgis! – Corgis have made their way into LOTRO and we will be celebrating by offering a free corgi pet to everyone that logs in during the Anniversary Event! Additional corgis can be bartered for Festivity Tokens, Anniversary Tokens, or Mithril Coins.
New Region: Yondershire
- Explore New Areas – The northern region known as the Yondershire is home to a different breed of hobbit, a sparsely populated region of moor, thicket, and fen that has long been a sanctuary for recluses and troublemakers. Since the time of Bullroarer Took it has squabbled with the more comfortable parts of the Shire. Now that the upstart Lotho Sackville-Baggins has taken control, however, it has become a hotbed of resistance against his gang of ruffians.
- There and Back Again – The Yondershire marks LOTRO's first update to The Shire in years and will feature content for characters in the level 20 – 23 range
- Free to VIPS – Get Yondershire for free with a VIP subscription or purchase it within the LOTRO Store

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