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Metagross Raid Guide: How To Counter Steel Monster In Pokémon GO
While Psychic-types are currently ruling raids in Pokémon GO as a part of Ultra Unlock Week Two: Enigma Week, there is one dual-typed Pokémon that trainers might want to prepare for in Tier Four raids… Metagross, the best Steel-type attacker in the game. Tier Four raids are for Pokémon that cannot be taken down by a solo trainer but aren't of Legendary or Mythical status like the current Tier Five boss Deoxys. Metagross is popular both as a Raid attacker and in the GO Battle League meta in Master League and the Premiere Cup. Bleeding Cool is here to help with our Metagross raid guide with the top counters so that you can beat this metallic monster and add it to your team.
Top Metagross Counters
Pokebattler, which calculates all possible combinations of Pokémon and moves, lists the top 10 Metagross counters as such:
- Shadow Moltres (Fire Spin, Overheat)
- Reshiram (Fire Fang, Overheat)
- Shadow Charizard (Fire Spin, Blast Burn)
- Darkrai (Snarl, Dark Pulse)
- Shadow Mewtwo (Psycho Cut, Shadow Ball)
- Shadow Tyranitar (Bite, Crunch)
- Moltres (Fire Spin, Overheat)
- Shadow Entei (Fire Fang, Flamethrower)
- Giratina Origin Forme (Shadow Claw, Shadow Ball)
- Shadow Salamence (Fire Fang, Fire Blast)
It is recommended to power up your counters as much as possible, and creating that amount of strong Shadow Pokémon with their moves unlocked is a tall order for even the most practiced players. Here are ten additional non-Shadow counters that can help take down Metagross with efficiency.
- Victini (Quick Attack, V Create)
- Entei (Fire Fang, Flamethrower)
- Hydreigon (Bite, Dark Pulse)
- Landorus (Mud Shot, Earth Power)
- Chandelure (Fire Spin, Shadow Ball)
- Tyranitar (Bite, Crunch)
- Heatran (Fire Spin, Flamethrower)
- Honchkrow (Snarl, Dark Pulse)
- Charizard (Fire Spin, Blast Burn)
- Groudon (Mud Shot, Earthquake)
How Many Trainers Are Needed?
Metagross is, without question, the tankiest and most difficult Tier Four raid boss. Because of this, using the top Fire-type, Dark-type, or Ground-type will enable two-level 40 trainers to defeat this beast in only ideal weather conditions and with Best Friend boost, but a duo is not recommended. It is recommended that at least three trainers with the top counters team up to take on this Tier Four boss. If trainers are not able to guarantee the use of the top counters, four or five level 35+ trainers can take it down.
Catching Metagross
Metagross is also harder to catch than other Tier Four bosses due to both its catch rate and the placement of its catch circle. It needs a hard throw aimed at the lower middle of the screen toward the middle of its body. While it isn't Legendary, Metagross should be treated as such in order to catch, using the following technique.
Using the circle lock technique, players can hold down the ball until Metagross's catch circle shrinks. Releasing when the circle is at its smallest point allows the circle to lock, guaranteeing an "Excellent" throw if the ball can hit that point, though the placement of the circle makes it a difficult strike. Throw the ball when Metagross is finishing its attack in order to successfully hit. The attack is a one-armed strike at the player, followed by Metagross resting back onto all fours. The Pokémon will settle back into its place and, as it settles, throw the ball. The best berry to help catch the dragon is the Golden Razz Berry. Paired with "excellent" throws, this should lead to a successfully caught Metagross.
Shiny Metagross odds
Metagross is the third-stage of Beldum and, while Beldum can be found Shiny in the wild, Metagross cannot be caught in its Shiny form.
100% IVs
When looking for a Pokémon with the best stats, the 100% IV Metagross will have a CP of 2166 in normal weather conditions, and 2708 in boosted conditions. We hope this Raid Guide helps you catch this uniquely powerful Pokémon.