Join us for an early opening of the new Pokémon TCG set, Scarlet & Violet – Journey Together, which sees the return of Owner's cards.
Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: Niantic, pawniard, pokemon, pokemon go, Team GO Rocket
New Shiny Shadows Arrive In Pokémon GO Team Rocket Takeover 2022
A shadow falls over Pokémon GO once again with a Team GO Rocket Takeover that introduces new Shadow Pokémon, unlocks new Shiny-capable Shadows through the Leaders, adds Shiny Pawniard to the Strange Egg pool, and brings back Shadow Mewtwo. Let's get into the details.
Here are the details of the new wave of Pokémon GO content coming as part of this Team GO Rocket takeover:
- Date and time: Monday, November 14th, 2022, at 12:00 a.m. to Thursday, November 17th, at 8:00 p.m. local time
- Shiny release: Shiny Pawniard will be released in 12 KM Strange Eggs.
- New Shiny Shadows?: It has now been confirmed that the Team Leaders will have new Shiny-capable Shadow Pokémon. This time, we are getting one returning Shiny-capable Shadow and two new ones. Here's a breakdown of which Pokémon can be encountered through which Leader:
- Shiny Shadow Mawile can be encountered through Arlo
- Shiny Shadow Machop can be encountered through Cliff. Shadow Machamp is a meta-shifting Fighting-type Pokémon and has been out for quite a while, but this is the first time that you'll be able to catch and evolve a Shiny Shadow one up.
- Shiny Shadow Sableye can be encountered through Sierra.
- Special Research: During the event and until December 1st, Trainers can claim a Special Research story, which when completed, gives Trainers a Super Rocket Radar to encounter Giovanni and Shadow Mewtwo. This makes me think we're likely getting a new Team GO Rocket storyline starting in December due to the time limit, which is likely on Mewtwo itself rather than the Special Research due to this not being classified as Timed Research. This questline is called Ultra Beast Protection Efforts.
- New Shadow Pokémon via Team GO Rocket encounters: Shadow Alolan Diglett, Shadow Onix, Shadow Natu, Shadow Wailmer, Shadow Golett.
- 12 KM Strange Eggs: Larvitar, Absol, Skorupi, Sandile, Scraggy, Pawniard, Vullaby, Deino, Pancham, Skrelp, Salandit.
- Field Research: Complete tasks to earn a Mysterious Component.

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