Posted in: Games, Tabletop | Tagged: humble bundle, Paizo, pathfinder
'Pathfinder' Humble Bundle: Tons of Adventure for Great Charity
File this under "I wish I had seen this sooner!"
Humble Bundle has teamed up with Paizo Entertainment to bring one of the most expansive bundles to date! If you're a fan of the Pathfinder universe, here's your chance to get an incredible amount of digital Pathfinder books for very little money, and you'll be helping a great charity research Cystic Fibrosis while you're at it!
And you have about 24 hours from when this article posted to get in on the action: On Wednesday, March 6th around mid-day, this Humble Bundle package will cease to exist. I could give you the exact time, but the Humble Bundle countdown tracker is much smarter than I am. Trust the tracker. Love the tracker.
Here's the deal: Paizo is celebrating the tenth anniversary of Pathfinder, and they want to share the love! For a minimum of ONE FREAKING DOLLAR you can get a ton of digital game books. Want more books? Up the dollar amount. Once you plug in your info and your payment clears, you'll get a link to download your books, and then you'll know how royalty feels.
Here's what just ONE FREAKING DOLLAR gets you:
So, that's all of the core books, plus the highly entertaining "We Be Goblins" books… for a buck. Sheesh. Throw in EIGHT FREAKING DOLLARS and you get to add these books to your Big Box o' Booty:
Suddenly, there's a bunch of Advanced guides, the awesome NPC, Monster, and Villain Codexes, a world guide, more Goblin goodness, and two adventure path books. Just ONE of those adventure path books costs more than you would pay for ALL OF THIS.
But, wait! You auntie Edna just sent you FIFTEEN FREAKING DOLLARS in quarters, taped to the inside of a birthday card! You could use that $15 to unlock all of these books, too!
So, thanks to your auntie Edna you have Ultimate Magic, the Inner Sea Gods book, the Advanced Race Guide, and so many more books, and all you've spent is FIFTEEN FREAKING DOLLARS.
But wait, you don't have an Auntie Edna, do you? Luckily, the nice folks who's mail was delivered to you were so greatful for your honesty that they gave you EIGHTEEN FREAKING DOLLARS as thanks. Look at all of the extra books you get if you buy the $18 or more bundle:
For only EIGHTEEN FREAKING DOLLARS you just picked up $500 worth of books. And you supported Camden's Concert, a charity that is researching Cystic Fibrosis. That's a whole lot of content for not a lot of money, and you did a good thing, too.
If you want to get in on this amazing deal, do it quick, and do it here!
Happy gaming!