Pokémon GO has announced the March 2025 slate of content as Niantic gears up for a new season of gameplay called Might and Mastery.
Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: Eevee, holiday event, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go
Pokémon GO Delivers Eevee-Themed Conclusion To Holiday 2022 Event
Niantic has announced details for the second part of the annual Pokémon GO Winter Holiday event. It will feature a new Holiday-themed Eevee which can be encountered in its silvery Shiny form.
Here are the full details for the Pokémon GO Annual Winter Holiday Event 2022 – Part II:
- Date and time: Thursday, December 15, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. to Saturday, December 31, 2022, at 8:00 p.m. local time.
- New costumed Eevee and Eeveelutuons: You will be able to hunt for Eevee wearing a holiday hat. Holiday Eevee will be Shiny-capable and can be evolved, so you will have to be sure to catch enough to get Holiday versions of each Eeveelution: Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Sylveon
- Evolution unlocked for Holiday Cubchoo: The previously evolution-locked Holiday Cubchoo wearing a ribbon will now be able to be evolved into Beartic.
- Wild spawns: Holiday Hat Eevee, Winter Carnival Pikachu, Holiday Scarf Spheal, Swinub, Holiday Ribbon Delibird, Snorunt, Snover, Vanillite, Holiday Ribbon Cubchoo, and Bergmite. Stantler, Alolan Sandshrew, and Cryogonal are listed as rare spawns.
- 7 KM Gift Eggs: Sneasel, Smoochum, Amaura, Bergmite, Crabrawler.
- Raids:
- Tier One: Winter Carnival Pikachu, Holiday Hat Eevee, Alolan Sandshrew, Galarian Darmanitan, Holiday Ribbon Cubchoo
- Tier Three: Undersea Holiday Outfit Glaceon, Holiday Ribbon Delibird, Lapras, Cloyster
- Tier Five: Kyurem
- Mega Raids: Mega Glalie
- Event Bonuses:
- 50% more XP for winning raid battles
- Trainers can store up to 40 Gifts until the end of the events
- Timed Research: Niantic introduces the"Will Your Wish Come True?" questline, writing:
- "Trainers will be able to access branching Timed Research that grants their wish for bonuses that revolve around either hatching Eggs, catching Pokémon, or collecting Stardust. The path you choose will determine which bonuses and tasks you have for the event! No matter which wish you pick, all Trainers who complete the research will receive items and have the opportunity to encounter Galarian Mr. Mime and other winter-themed Pokémon."
We also now know details for the Winter Wonderland event-within-an-event happening Christmas weekend in Pokémon GO:
- Date and time: Saturday, December 24, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. to Sunday, December 25, 2022, at 8:00 p.m. local time.
- Extra bonuses:
- One extra special trade per day
- Daily Adventure Incense activated during the event will last for 30 minutes
- Lucky Trade bonus and shifting of Guaranteed Lucky dates: Niantic writes:
- "The number of guaranteed Lucky Pokémon a Trainer can receive in a trade has been increased from 10 to 15! And starting now, if you trade a Pokémon that has spent time in a Trainer's Pokémon storage since 2017, it is guaranteed to become a Lucky Pokémon until the limit is reached! This change is permanent and will stay active going forward."
- Collection Challenge: A new Collection Challenge will offer a Galarian Mr. Mime, XP, and Incense to those who complete the challenge by December 25th, 2022 at 8 p.m.
Here are the details for Hisuian Avalugg Raid Day happening on Christmas Eve in Pokémon GO:
- Date and time: Saturday, December 24, 2022 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time
- Feature: The debut of Hisuian Avalugg three-star raids
- Simultaneous Shiny drop: Hisuian Avalugg debut with its Shiny form already unlocked. It will have an increased Shiny rate throughout the event
- Bonus: Earn up to five additional daily Raid Passes from spinning Gym Photo Discs.

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