Kubfu, a new Legendary, and Shiny Charcadet will be added to Pokémon GO as part of the first event from the season of Mighty and Mastery.
Posted in: Card Games, Games, Pokémon TCG, Tabletop | Tagged: cynthia, pokemon, pokemon cards, Pokemon TCG, Star Birth
Pokémon TCG Japan Reveals Cynthia-themed Products For January 2022
Pokémon TCG Japan has revealed their Pokémon Center-exclusive products for January 2022. These products, some of which focus on Champion Cynthia and her Garchomp, are meant to in part tie into the release of the first Japanese set of the year, Star Birth. These products will all be released on January 14th. Let's take a look.
Here is January 2022's selection of products tying into the release of Star Birth:
- Cynthia Sleeves: Includes Cynthia and Garchomp.
- Dazed Pokémon Sleeves: Includes Scorbunny, Poliwhirl, Larvitar, Gengar, Spinda, Snorlax, Pikachu, Dragonite, Togekiss.
- My Rentorar's Story Sleeves: Includes Starly, Shinx, Chimchar, Golbat, Toxicroak, Luxio, Staraptor, Luxray.
- Pokémon Stats Sleeves: Includes a traditional GameBoy depiction of a team consisting of Pikachu, Charmander, Pidgey, Poliwag, Bellsprout, Rattata.
- Arceus Sleeves: Uses the pack art of the upcoming January 2022 Japanese expansion, Star Birth.
- Charizard, Lucario, & Pikachu sleeves
- Black & Orange Charizard sleeves: These are notably similar to the Champion's Path Elite Trainer Box sleeves for international collectors, except Charizard is in its standard form here.
- Underwater Pokémon Sleeves: Includes Lugia, Tirtouga, male and female Frillish, Starmie, Mantine, Wailmer, Octillery, Finneon, Lumineon, Corsola, Horsea, Kingdra, Landurn, Relicanth, Milotic, and possibly others. The artwork is quite detailed and will be clearer to view at a higher resolution.
- Bidoof sleeves
- Piplup sleeves
- VSTAR sleeves: This sleeve is the logo of the new mechanic debuting in Japan's Star Birth and the United States Sword & Shield – Brilliant Stars.
- Cynthia Deck Box: Includes Cynthia, Garchomp, Lucario, Milotic, and Spiritomb.
- Dazed Pokémon Deck Box: Includes Scorbunny, Poliwhirl, Larvitar, Gengar, Spinda, Snorlax, Pikachu, Dragonite, Togekiss.
- My Rentorar's Story Deck Box: Includes the Shinx evolutionary line. Rentorar is the Japanese name of Luxray.
- Pokémon Stats Deck Box: Includes the stats from the sleeves on the side with a cute depiction of Pikachu and the Kanto starters on front.
- Arceus Deck Box: Uses the pack art of the upcoming January 2022 Japanese expansion, Star Birth.
- Charizard, Lucario, & Pikachu Deck Box
- Arceus Play Mat, Case, Binder: All use the pack art of the upcoming January 2022 Japanese expansion, Star Birth.

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