Posted in: Card Games, Games, Pokémon TCG, Tabletop | Tagged: pokemon, pokemon cards, Pokemon TCG, sun & moon, Ultra Prism
The Cards Of Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon – Ultra Prism Part 5
Bleeding Cool's journey through the Sun & Moon era of the Pokémon TCG continues. After our spotlight series breaking down the first three sets of this block (Sun & Moon base, Guardians Rising, Burning Shadows), we now move to a set that introduced a new card type to the Pokémon TCG. Sun & Moon – Ultra Prism was released on February 2nd, 2018 and introduced Prism Stars to the hobby. This style of holographic card could be pulled in the reverse holo slot, making for quite a dynamic pack-opening experience. This set also includes one of the most valuable and sought-after cards in all of the Sun & Moon era. Let's take a journey through the best cards from Ultra Prism.
- Solgaleo Prism Star: Prism Stars were the first Ultra Rares that could be pulled in the place of Reverse Holos since BREAK cards, which were retired at the end of the XY era. Though I was initially uncertain about these, considering how much they had in common with standard holos, I look back on them with great affection. While they aren't as memorable as later Reverse Holo-slot pulls like Shiny Pokémon, Character Cards, and Amazing Rares, I love the elegant simplicity of the black borders and the shining diamond in the middle of the card.
- Dusk Mane Necrozma GX: Dusk Mane Necrozma is actually quite a stunning Pokémon. The only issue is that the artwork here makes it hard to tell. The design is rather complex, and the use of colors over the blocky 3D artwork does no favors to the card. When I think of where GX cards go wrong, this art style is one of the main examples. It works for simple designs, but certainly not complex ones like the Necrozma forms.
- Magearna: This action-packed card stands out to me due to its managing to make the rather cute Magerana into something as frightening as the Terminator.
Next time, the spotlight on Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon – Ultra Prism continues with a focus on more cards from the set. To follow this series, click the Ultra Prism tag below.