Posted in: Games, PAX West, Video Games | Tagged: Armello, League of Geeks, PAX West
Watching 'Armello' Go Seamlessly To Mobile At PAX West
Armello has been around for about two years and earned a loyal audience who have enjoyed the game's unique look and feel to the strategy RPG genre. League of Geeks has done an awesome job in that time keeping the game updated and their users happy with new content across every platform, but now they're looking to branch into one of the two remaining areas they haven't tackled with the full versions (aside from the Nintendo Switch), and that is being mobile.
During my time at PAX West, I got to try out a mobile version of Armello, both on a smartphone and a pad. The game plays fairly seamlessly and doesn't contain any flaws that I could see. Everything from your choices to the animations to the battles and had a flow as if I were playing it on PC. I really couldn't complain about the demo or how it played. At the time I was speaking with them, there wasn't a firm date set for when the mobile versions would be coming out, as I'm sure they're still working out the kinks to assure it will be a glorious transition. Best guess from what I saw would be either late 2017 or early 2018 as it basically looks like it's ready to go.