Posted in: Movies | Tagged: duncan jones, entertainment, film, Gul'dan, Medivh, warcraft
A Look Inside Warcraft – The Cast Talks About The Spectacle
I've been pretty upfront about my love of World of Warcraft. I've been playing for nine years now and I'm eagerly anticipating the next expansion. I already have my Demon Hunter's name picked out. I have been a bit reserved about the upcoming Warcraft film though. Seldomly does a video game translate well into a film (or vice versa). So where I will happily pay my money to see it, I'm going in with lowered expectations… or at least I was until seeing this new video.
Below is an inside look into Warcraft. It gives us more character moments and an idea of what is going on from the cast of the film. Between those character beats and the new visuals, I'm starting to get very excited for this movie. The footage of Medivh and Gul'dan casting magic really starting to sell it for me.
Warcraft opens June 10th.