James Serafino sells the rights to his first comic, Time Traveling Dinosaurs, to Chronicle Books, for publication in 2028.
Posted in: Movies | Tagged: avengers, bravest warriors, Comics, entertainment, lootcrate, power rangers, Rick And Morty. Unite. Crate .April, Team Fortress 2
Avengers, Power Rangers, Team Fortress 2, Bravest Warriors, Rick And Morty Unite For Loot Crate In May
The theme of the next Loot Crate the big daddy of collector subscription boxes has been revealed as "Unite".
May will bring stuff from Avengers, Power Rangers, Team Fortress 2, Bravest Warriors, Rick and Morty and more, and an exclusive licensed t-shirt.
Could a comic book be hiding in there somewhere? Oni Press' Rick & Morty? Boom's Bravest Warriors? Marvel's Avengers? I guess we'll know when the sales charts hit….
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