Posted in: Movies, Warner Bros | Tagged: adam wingard, godzilla, godzilla vs. kong, Warner Bros
Why Godzilla vs. Kong Doesn't Include a Post-Credit Scene
It's pretty much commonplace to expect a cliffhanger-style post-credit easter egg in any franchise film. From the cinematic adventures of Marvel superheroes to the ever-changing DC roster or anything remotely marketable past one film, post-credit scenes have become the way to hype up viewers for more content. Some studios have even attempted to tackle the much riskier two-scene addition to properties, but one thing we shouldn't be expecting is a hint at more Godzilla by the time the credits roll. Sure, the post-credit scene in Godzilla: King of the Monsters was enough to generate excitement for the masses; director Adam Wingard recently discussed his decision not to include a post-credit scene in the upcoming Godzilla vs. Kong (despite having filmed one!)
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures
Caption: (L-r) GODZILLA battles KONG in Warner Bros. Pictures' and Legendary Pictures' action-adventure "GODZILLA VS. KONG," a Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures release.
When discussing his smaller-scale titles leading up to this blockbuster film, Wingard explains, "Every day, no matter how big the film, there will be issues and problems you couldn't have foreseen. To have that low-budget experience was so helpful. I get asked why there is no post-credit scene in Godzilla vs. Kong. Truth is, during our main production, we actually shot a post-credit scene. But we got to a point with the edit of the movie where we realized the movie ended at a certain point, but it wasn't the right ending. It didn't tie up all the loose ends in a satisfying right way."
The director elaborates on having to re-work the ending with that footage, concluding, "We weren't budgeted to shoot anything else. I had this ah-ha moment where I realized we have this post-credit scene, and if we tweak it and give it a slightly different context, we can use all the same footage. It had a lot of scope; we were still in Australia, and it had all the jungle stuff. We were able to take that footage and use it in a different context, an example of my indie brain turning and able to save the final bit of the movie. You watch the film, and you'd have no idea it was shot for a different purpose."
So there you have it, folks. Don't expect a Godzilla vs. Kong scene to appear after the dust settles. Not that the hardcore fans would ever take someone's word for it without seeing firsthand anyways…
Godzilla vs. Kong hits theaters and HBO Max starting March 31.