Batman: Hush 2 Evidence... That It's Not Hush Under The Bandages. That's our theory anyway, what do you think?
Posted in: Movies | Tagged: age of ultron, avengers, Comics, entertainment, marvel, Marvel Studios
Scarlet Witch's Brand New Powers For Age Of Ultron, Explained
Quicksilver is fast. We all know that. And it's Peter David-style personality explanations. But now we learn what Scarlet Witch's powers are in the upcoming Avengers; Age Of Ultron. No longer the probability affecting or magical hex abilities…
Joss Whedon tells us "She got telekinesis, she can move things and she can get inside your head so that all your worst fears or doubts come to the fore"
While Elizabeth Olson says "She messes with all the Avengers to such an extend that they have to go somewhere and come back as a unit."

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