Posted in: Movies, TV | Tagged: ABC, agent carter, entertainment, hayley atwell, marvel, television, Whitney Frost
Six Important Moments From Marvel's Agent Carter – Hollywood Ending
This article contains spoilers for Marvel's Agent Carter episode Hollywood Ending.
As we reach the second season finale for Marvel's Agent Carter, there is a lot of speculation about if there will be a third season. I'll address that more at the end of the article. But last night brought all the characters back together, dealt with the Zero Matter and resolved the love triangle all nice and neat… and then left things very untidy. Let's take a look at the important moments from Hollywood Ending.
1 – We start off with Jason Wilkes expelling all of the Zero Matter from his body and it going into Whitney Frost. This returns Wilkes to normal but it also ramps up Whitney's power level and her connection to the black stuff. She would have possibly killed Peggy Carter, Daniel Sousa, Jack Thompson and Wilkes if not for the timely return of Edwin Jarvis and hitting Frost with the car. This lead to a fun dialog exchange between Jarvis and Howard Stark about hitting a two-time Oscar winner with a car.
2 – After taking in the excess Zero Matter, Frost is compelled to create a new way to open a rift and goes full A Beautiful Mind, enough to scare Joseph Manfredi. Taking his mother's advice, he goes to make a deal with the devil and work with Carter and company to eliminate the Zero Matter. We learn that Manfredi and Stark are friends, and with Stark owning a studio in Hollywood should have come as no surprise to anyone.
3 – There is a moment in the series where we see just how much Tony Stark is like his father. When they are discussing how to destroy the Zero Matter, Stark suggests they get a sample and let him experiment on it in the lab. This was meet with a resounding no by both Wilkes and Carter. Peggy accuses him of wanting it to make money off of. But I don't think that's it, I think Howard really want to explore it because its unknown and could create amazing things. He doesn't look at the real consequences of what he wants, he just want to play with the unknown and master it. I think we see that in Tony through the movies and especially in Avengers: Age of Ultron. I think both Stark's are geniuses that want to be the ones to break the metaphorical bucking bronco.
4 – There is no physical confrontation with Frost, the climax is a battle of science and everyone gets a heroic moment with each of them volunteering to go into the danger area to turn on the override before realizing Sousa had already gone in. Also, Jarvis gets his moment when he comes up with the plan on how to close the rift and in involves seeing Stark's second attempt at a hover car… a nice nod to Captain America: The First Avenger.
This in a way locks in the difference between the two seasons. The first one was a classic 50s spy thriller with dangerous chases, tense situations, etc. The second season was more of a atomic age sci-fi film like the Blob. It will be interesting to see what they will come up with if a third season is made.
5 – One of the things that people have been wondering for a while has to do with who Peggy marries. We know she did get married somewhere along the way and we know he was someone Captain America saved… now that Peggy and Daniel started kissing at the end, do we have our answer? We never got a really good idea of how Sousa got hurt. If anything, we've found out more about what he wasn't doing in the war rather than what he was doing.
6 – We ended last season with Doctor Faustus ending up in jail and talking to Arnim Zola. None of that came up in the second season, but maybe that is what the final moments of the episode involves as Jack Thompson prepares for his trip back to New York only to be gunned down in his apartment and the redacted file he had on Peggy gets stolen.
It's obvious that the writers of the series don't think it will be the last season as they not only put in the Thompson mystery, but we also have to see what is in the redacted file, find out what the key Thompson found is for, how did Sousa get hurt in the war and find out what the new company Stark is creating with Wilkes. The talk about it being the last season comes from the lower ratings than last season and the casting of Hayley Atwell in another series. But both series are ABC, so they would be able to adjust schedules accordingly. I think the network and Marvel like having the mid-season series and even if Agent Carter isn't renewed I'd expect something to be in this spot next year.