Posted in: Movies | Tagged: audio entertainment, podcast, We Be Geeks
We Be Geeks Episode 154 – Matt The Undercover Sith
[audio:]Bleeding Cool welcomes back We Be Geeks, hosting a variety of guests and covering a wide range of geek topics.
This was a busy week for the We Be Geeks crew. In this episode we discuss the news that the CW network might be removing all of their shows from Netflix to focus on the CBS streaming app. The discussion then briefly ventures into football territory, a topic that is hard to avoid this time of year. We then venture into a discussion about Stan Lee's thoughts about a Star Wars/Marvel movie crossover. Would that be a good idea? Or would such a thing be too far-fetched? We give our opinions on the topic. After discussing Stan Lee, the discussion naturally rotates into a discussion about the upcoming Deadpool movie.
From Marvel, we move on to DC and discuss the casting of Jonah Hex on the new CW show Legends of Tomorrow. After that, we talk about a charity event in England that is having a theater showing of the movie Labyrinth. The We Be Geeks crew then learns that Brett has never seen Labyrinth, and give him a homework assignment to watch the movie. Talking about Labyrinth and David Bowie leads into a discussion about Alan Rickman, who also passed away recently, and we then learn that Julz has never seen Die Hard, leading to another homework assignment.
In between talking about rumors of Darth Vader appearing in Rogue One and Adam Driver on Saturday Night Live, Mike mentions some of the other podcasts on the We Be Geeks podcast. From there, the conversation naturally flows to the topics of the Squatty Potty, this year's Oscar snubs, Channing Tatum, and our love, or lack thereof, of the Fast and Furious franchise.
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Superheroes by day, Podcasters by night! The We Be Geeks Podcast is hosted by Mike Ehmcke (@webegeeks) Along with Julz Hendricks (@JulzHendricks), Derrick Nadeau (@nesofgeek) and Brett Dasilva (@geek_happenings) as Co-Hosts, this podcast is on fire! You can find us on Facebook as well as the We Be Geeks official site. Check out our Patreon and support the show.