Posted in: Movies | Tagged: entertainment, film, gal gadot, jason fuchs, michelle maclaren, Warner Bros, wonder woman
Has The Wonder Woman Film Not Been Greenlit?
When it was announced that Michelle MacLaren was going to be the director for the upcoming Gal Gadot lead Wonder Woman movie, it may have been a little surprising that they picked a television director. But one look at her work on Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead or Game Of Thrones and you see what Warner Bros sees in her. Over on, Matt Zoller Seitz has put together a very good piece on the director. But when the topic of Wonder Woman came up, MacLaren's answer was a bit surprising:
She stirs her tea. Then she warns that at the moment there is no script, no release date. There's not even an official green light from the film's releasing studio, Warner Bros.—and even if there were, nondisclosure agreements and her paranoia about jinxing things would keep her mum. "I really, really, really can't talk about this," she says, then gestures toward the restaurant's picture windows, with their action-film-worthy Hollywood panoramas. "I just picture a drone coming in over the hills and crashing through the glass and flying over here and putting duct tape over my mouth, you know?"
Now that seems pretty odd since Warner Bros announced July 23, 2017 as the release date for the film and along with MacLaren, they've brought Jason Fuchs (Pan) on board to do the script. So how do we take this? Is this a director trying really hard to not talk about a film or are the dates Warner Bros announced for all their films just placeholders and not fully approved movies?