5g Archives

Man-Bat Rescheduled by DC Comics - But Where is Generation One?
There is no news at all about Generation One, the first in a planned series of five one-shots, each taking a different generation of DC Super Heres and initially planned to lead up to Generation Five or 5G, and a relaunch and reworking of the DC Universe with new characters taking the lead roles But[...]
Where In The World is Batman/Catwoman by Tom King and Clay Mann?
Could this have been an early tease for 5G? "I've been talking to, not just DC, but Warner Brothers and AT&T What we're going to do for the last 15 issues is something no one's ever seen for the character It's something that's going to change the character for a generation, or maybe more[...]
John Ridley, Luke Fox Batman, 5G, No More?
I got to revisit and finish my Wildstorm comic book The American Way, but that was meant to be an appetiser for the main course. John Ridley, Luke Fox Batman, 5G, No More? Art from DC. Former DC President Diane Nelson used an entire event, The Many Shades of Heroism: DC Heroes Through the African-American Lens, laid[...]
The logo for DC Comics' Black Label line of mature readers comic books.
However, I am now told that a few creators on DC's Black Label mature readers line and 5G projects have been told to cease production 5G was originally planned to launch in October as Generation Five, but its future has been in doubt. However, Bleeding Cool has learned of an editorial and production shift to get[...]
Dark Nights: Death Metal + Watchmen Cast Give a Special Message
These Four Generations wee then intended to set up 5G – or Generation Five – which would have replaced the main books with new characters That was before its instigator, DC publisher Dan DiDio, was fired Everything changed. So what of the Generations Zero to Five books that were planned to start in May? They are[...]
legion of super-heroes 4 (1)
Oh had you forgotten all about 5G? Well, maybe in the light of the coronavirus pandemic, DC Comics has as well But plenty of plans were already in place and have been moving forward Including it seems, today's Legion Of Super-Heroes #5 by Brian Bendis and Ryan Sook Now, those keen readers of Bleeding Cool's[...]
Jim Lee - Not "Ageing Up Characters or Shuffling Them Off" For 5G
While sketching on panel at C2E2 last weekend, DC Publisher Jim Lee asked the crowd 'heard any good rumours lately?' He was initially talking about rumours launched after the departure from DC of publisher Dan DiDio by the likes of Ethan Van Sciver, that AT&T was planning to shutter DC Comics publishing if their upcoming Bleeding[...]
Gossip: Luke Fox, Jonathan Kent - What DC Comics' 5G is All About
Some will be dropped because they are now 'tainted' as having been championed by Dan, others may survive if they find new champions. And so, yes, there's 5G Generation Five, which has been planned for almost a year now In which we would have seen the entire DC Universe aged up, along the lines of the[...]
Post-Dan DiDio Changes, Already Happening at DC Comics?
The 5G books are all still happening, as are the Generation one-shots – but they may now be placed in a different context. For some, this will be welcome For others, this may be abandoning what seemed as a very exciting idea Bleeding Cool will keep an eye on how this rolls out, as we have[...]
"What Is DC Comics' 5G?" The Story So Far...
On the 13th of June, 2019, Bleeding Cool made the first mention of something DC Comics was planning called 5G We had no idea what it was All we knew was that it was, "something that is, or has, been planned at DC Comics at the upper creative and editorial echelons." It took until October[...]
Gossip: Luke Fox, Jonathan Kent - What DC Comics' 5G is All About
Some people have decided, it seems, that Dan DiDio was fired as Publisher at Warner Bros because of the 5G/Generation Five relaunch he instigated within the company over the last nine months This is not true – and yesterday, Bleeding Cool reported, after talking to creators, that 5G was very much still on the books,[...]
DC Comics Has a Back-Up For 5G - and It's Called Black Label?
The departure of Dan DiDio as DC Publisher over the weekend has left many wondering what this might mean for the planned 5G/Generation Five relaunch of the DC Universe Which would have Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Diana and the rest aged out of their roles and replaced with new characters under old names, gathering a[...]
So Why Did Dan DiDio Leave DC Comics Anyway?
And DC Comics was heading towards a big change in its publishing programme – one aspect of which was the much-rumoured 5G – or Generation Five Which would have seen DC's major figures Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Diana and more aged out and replaced with new characters taking the roles of Superman, Batman and Wonder[...]
DC Cancels Supergirl in May
Potentially they didn't want to start a new arc when the new Crisis/Convergence II/Generation Five/5G is meant to relaunch everything anyway? Could be we seeing other titles come to an imminent close in June and July? Like The Green Lantern concluding with #8 instead of the planned #12? No more Batman Incorporated-style holdover situations like[...]
Tom King Says That Alfred's Death Will Set Up The Events Of 5G
He said that 'that's crazy, that's a crazy thought.' At which point he became the first DC Comics creator to name a certain story that Bleeding Cool scooped and has been reporting since last summer… telling us that '5G is happening, right.' 5G, as Bleeding Cool has it, is the fifth generation of DC Comics heroes[...]