Greetings, DCEU fans interested in juicy topless pics of Jason Momoa as the tit-ular Aquaman from the Aquaman movie as well as internet search engine crawlers attracted to juicy keywords like "topless pics of Jason Momoa as Aquaman!" Warner Bros has dropped the first pic of Momoa from the film, which you can see below[...]
dceu Archives
Superman" to play Wonder Woman!
— DC (@DCComics) December 4, 2013
Gadot was actually off by a day, as the announcement is dated December 4th, but in the grand scheme of DCEU screw-ups, we can definitely let that pass In the four years since, Gadot has done well in the role[...]
Suicide Squad director David Ayer shocked fans on Twitter over the weekend with his response to a question about whether he regretted making the
Jason Momoa's Aquaman seems to have gone over pretty well in Justice League. The gruff charm of the performance seems to have brought the character
The GOP tax plan, which in general benefits the wealthy and corporations, could actually end up having a negative effect on the box office for future DCEU movies U.S Senator Chuck Grassley, talking about a provision in the bill to eliminate the estate tax, told the Des Moines Register today: "I think not having the[...]
Dispelling rumors that Warner Bros studios is a swirling vortex of chaos with no semblance of long term plan for their DC Entertainment movies, Margot
So with that in mind, Yahoo Movies UK spoke with Green to gauge his interest in returning to the DCEU in general and the "emerald knight" in particular… and which American Gods cast member he'd like to see as his Green Lantern:
Credit: Green_Lantern_Comic-Con_Panel.jpg: Mazel CC BY-SA 2.0
● In case there's any confusion, Green definitely feels like[...]
Justice League made just $94 million at the box office last weekend, making it the lowest opening DCEU movie of all time Additionally, the film scored a negative rating on Rotten Tomatoes and cast doubt on the future of the DCEU.
However, it looks like Whedon isn't getting the blame, at least from Warner Bros., though[...]
The film failed to meet even its own adjusted expectations of a $110 million, and ended up with the lowest domestic opening weekend of any DCEU film All of this was on top of a 40% Rotten Tomatoes score and mixed to negative reviews, except for the reviews from a few more positive critics like[...]
The movie not only underperformed Warner Bros.' hopes of finally breaking a billion dollars globally for a DCEU movie and launching the next phase of the beleaguered superhero movie universe, but even managed to underperform the industry's recent adjusted projections, which predicted a $110 million opening for Justice League.
JUSTICE LEAGUE$96.0M weekend#JusticeLeague
— Boxoffice Pro (@BoxOffice) November[...]
Folks should stop blaming @joss, the studio, for what they perceive as trying to fix Snyder's original cut – Snyder left the movie, other people had to finish it.
— Robert Garcia (@RobertGarciaLB) November 18, 2017
But Garcia, envisioning a brighter tomorrow for both America and the DCEU, finished by tweeting:
I'm some ways I'm glad Aquaman is[...]
The threshold for a movie to be considered "fresh," or good, rather than "rotten," or bad, is 60%.
Besides Wonder Woman, objectively the only good DCEU movie with a 92% fresh score, human critics have a track record of panning DCEU films If the early score for Justice League, which debuts in theaters today, is any[...]
Aquaman from the Justice League film, based on the look of Jason Momoa, is coming from the popular One:12 Collective line tomorrow!
Wonder Woman is joining the previously announced Hot Toys 1/6 scale figures from Justice League, and she looks pretty great!
The Flash is the latest member of the Justice League to get a Hot Toy from the upcoming film. But man, do we hate that stupid suit.
In any case, it was probably too early for a final cut of the film to be ready, so the runtime was bound to change.
However, a new report coming from multiple cinema chains including Regal and AMC says that the runtime given to the chains by Warner Bros is just 121 minutes, the shortest of[...]
Justice League has gotten yet another poster. That makes 783 of them so far. Why are all of them just kind of meh? We were hoping for better.
A new online contest that ties the upcoming Justice League film with The Big Bang Theory seems to suggest the film has a seventh hero in it.
Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige has now definitively said he'll make an all-female Marvel movie — but the timing of the statement seems a little convenient.
Justice League won't hit theaters until November 17, and Aquaman's release date is more than a year after that. But that hasn't stopped star Jason Momoa
Zack Snyder is the sole credited director on Justice League, and we now know officially that the film is rated PG-13.
DCEU movies will be both connected and not connected at the same time.
Earlier this week, DC Entertainment President Diane Nelson and Chief Creative Officer Geoff "Jeff" Johns gave an interview to bird-themed pop culture site Vulture declaring that DCEU movies would share a far less rigid continuity Nelson said:
"Our intention, certainly, moving forward is using[...]
The DCEU will maintain continuity, except when it doesn't, and the Justice League reshoots were designed to lighten the tone of the movie.
In an interview with bird-themed pop culture website Vulture, DC Entertainment President Diane Nelson announced that DC has abandoned the strict continuity of a Marvel-style shared universe to adopt a much looser definition[...]
Even if each of you have your own thing going on, you are still comrades with similar goals and interests.
Despite that, saying the film is about "hope" is a bold statement, given how the DCEU has panned out so far.
Man of Steel and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice were certainly not hopeful movies. Man of Steel tried to be[...]
A latex mask that will be available this fall has given us our first full look at Steppenwolf's face from Justice League, and it is both creepy and funny.
James Gunn is the director of the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise and one of the architects of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Geoff "Jeff" Johns is the
They aren't limited to bad DCEU movies, either, even though they'd obviously be the most effective You could put Michael Bay's entire Transformers franchise into bacteria and overload people's immune systems."
As a potential side effect, Puffinbottoms warned that the bacteria could mutate, producing new strains of deadly bacteria containing brand new franchise installments "In addition[...]
In a statement responding to headlines sparked by his own comments, The Batman director Matt Reeves clarified the film's status as part of the DCEU.
In the comments, Reeves originally said:
Well I have a vision for a way to do something with that character [Batman] that feels like it resonates with me personally, and a perspective[...]
A second wave of Funko product is coming is support of the Wonder Woman film in time for the holidays, and they look amazing!
Rumors, trailers, and a prophecy dream point to the forces of hell-planet Apokolips.)
The best part of that Magnificent Seven reference is how many fans are going to get mad there aren't seven members of the League like their should be.
One of the new gadgets we're getting in Justice League is a machine called the "Flying[...]