Dragon Quest Treasures Archives

Dragon Quest Treasures
Square Enix dropped new info today for Dragon Quest Treasures as they went over the Treasure Dungeons you'll find in the game The team released a brand new blog this week that goes over these new areas and what you'll need to do in order to make your way through them and find not only[...]
Dragon Quest Treasures
Square Enix posted a new blog today revealing more details about the world of Draconia in the upcoming game Dragon Quest Treasures A lot of the game has yet to be revealed in either video or preview up until this point, but now we have an idea of what's awaiting us in the world you'll[...]
Dragon Quest Treasures
Square Enix revealed a brand new video this week for Dragon Quest Treasures as we got a better look at the gameplay This isn't just some minute-long video in which they cram a bunch of quick cuts into a single trailer, no! This is a full four minutes plus of them giving you a guided[...]
Dragon Quest Treasures
Square Enix dropped a brand new blog today going over the monsters you'll encounter in Dragon Quest Treasures The game is making its way to being released on Nintendo Switch on December 9th, but before that happens, we're getting a slow introduction to the way this particular entry of the franchise will play out While[...]
Dragon Quest Treasures
Square Enix announced that they finally have a release date for Dragon Quest Treasures as it will be released this December The game was originally announced back in May of this year as part of the franchise's 35th Anniversary plans, and then got a full reveal during one of the more recent Nintendo Direct livestreams,[...]