grant morrison Archives

2000AD In The USA
Jesus Redondo, Kevin O'Neill and Bryan Talbot October: Judge Dredd: Mega-City Masters 02 by John Wagner, Grant Morrison, Alan Grant,  Mark Millar and more. Zombo: Can I Eat You Please? by Al Ewing and Henry Flint November: Slaine: Warriors Dawn by PAt Mills, Mike McMahon, Angie Kincaid, and Massimo Belardinelli Hewligan's Haircut by Pete Milligan and Jamie Hewlett. December: Judge Dredd: The Complete[...]
Vampirella Bought By Dynamite. Costumes Unlikely To Get Less Skimpy.
Over time her skimpy red costume got skimpier and skimpier, though with the bankruptcy of Warren in the eighties the character was lost. The character was revived by Harris in 1991, attracting creators from Warren Ellis to Mark Millar to Alanm Moore to Grant Morrison to Amanda Conner to Joe Quesada to Kurt Busiek to Jeph[...]
The Man Who Sold Zenith Trade Paperbacks
Over the last few weeks, someone has been selling Zenith trade paperbacks on eBay, collecting the 2000AD superhero story by Grant Morrison and Steve Yeowell All well and good you may think, but they're not actually supposed to exist. Grant Morrison opened a dispute with 2000AD Rebellion over the ownership of the character, seemingly claiming he[...]
Avatar Star Sam Worthington Is… Dan Dare?
Created by Frank Hampson, each strip in the weekly anthology was intricately researched, actors were hired to pose for the panels and it remains a highpoint in the combination of draftsmanship and comic book illustration. Adventures were generally spaced based and often revolved around the invasion threat from Venus and the Treen race, led by the[...]
Jedward Appear In Batman And Robin?
Written and drawn by British creators Grant Morrison and Andy Clarke, the series has already seen the caped crusaders battle through a variety of British locations, meeting some very colourful types along the way. Those unfamiliar with the singing duo can see them in action below. The Theme From Ghostbusters – Link Say, didn't the appearance of another[...]
The Shipping Forecast
Why not your local comic shop? Batman And Robin #10 – it's not quite All Star Superman standards, but this series-of-arcs Grant Morrison Batman book is helladdictive And despite the references to big continuty events I couldn;t bring myself to read, I'm stil holding on And this issue is Batman Vs Robin, or Batman's-Son-The-New-Robin Vs Old-Robin-The-New-Batman[...]
Lying In The Gutters – March 8th 2009
Now with added commentary from Nick Barrucci. Bubbling Under: Mark Millar announcing a new Spider-Man book, Diana Prince porn star needing geek cred, the female revolution at Marvel comics, Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer's contretemps with Kevin Smith, Dwayne MacDuffie's new issues with DC Comics, the mighty buttocks of Grant Morrison and a clip of the US[...]
Preview: Batman And Robin #10 by Grant Morrison and Andy Clarke
It's issues like these that make me love the fact that Batman's son, the new Robin, is called Damian. And the DC Source blog are subtitling this issue out nest week "Batman Vs Robin", and new artist Andy Clarke joining Grant Morrison for an arc, well, makes it even more enticing… It's issues like these that[...]
The Mighty Buttocks Of Grant Morrison
So I hope I can make up for a little of it by some exploitation and cheapening of the male form in the hope that two wrongs do make a right. Or basically, Grant Morrison's buttocks in this photo from the early nineties, nicked from a Forbidden Planet interview with Rian Hughes, tightly packed into white[...]
DC's Exclusive War Shifts Focus To Wonder Woman
But I understand that the good folk at Marvel know that another of their artists will be joining DC on an exclusive basis to work on the upcoming Grant Morrison's still-yet-to-be-announced Wonder Woman run. But this isn't as sudden as it might otherwise seem Both David Finch and the new signing have been talked about internally[...]
Grant Morrison Writes About Superheroes. More Word, Less Picture
"Building the destiny of a new world from Great Disaster to some kind of utopia, and then you can cut forward to Earth 51 Legion of SuperGods or something like that." – Grant Morrison. British publisher Jonathan Cape, part of Random House, behind a recent resurgent in high end high profile graphic novels, has outbid rivals[...]
UPDATE: DC Viral Marketer Appears To Slip Up?
It's hard being a viral marketer these days. The pressure of creating so many separate online identities, keeping all your IP addresses different, creating distinct personalities, never mixing them up and never, never, never accidentally cutting and pasting a list of your viral marketing instructions into your post praising Grant Morrison's work, acclaiming DC and damning[...]
Susan Boyle's Celebrity Comic Book Pullbox
A bit like Susan will be once she's feeling better and has signed her million poound contract. BATMAN: THE SCOTTISH CONNECTION – by countrymen Alan Grant and Frank Quitely (currently working on Grant Morrison's Batman And Robin, out this week), this graphic novella from a few years ago took Bruce Wayne and Alfred out of the[...]