VR developer and publisher Incuvo has released a new trailer for the brand-new Co-Op Mode being added to Green Hell VR on Meta Quest and PSVR2 The trailer, which you can check out above, shows off more of what you can do with teammates as you attempt to survive in the wilderness without many resources[...]
Green Hell Archives
Indie game developer and publisher Creepy Jar has confirmed the current-gen console release date for Green Hell, as the game arrives in a couple of weeks The news is a bit bittersweet as players will be able to receive the full game, with all of the updates and content released for it to date on[...]
Indie game developer and publisher Creepy Jar has released the 20th free update for Green Hell, as players have access to the Anteater Update this morning Obviously, from the name, you know you're getting an anteater, but you'll also be getting a few other creatures added to the mix and some insects as well, plus[...]
Indie game developer and publisher Creepy Jar has released a brand-new free update for Green Hell this week, as players have the Flamekeeper update available now The update will give you a new weapon, a new construction, some new cosmetics, and more to help you out in the game They also revealed that Green Hell will[...]
Indie game publisher Creepy Jar has revealed that the Building Update that was released for Green Hell on PC has now come to the game on consoles The community has wanted the ability to build better in the game for a while now, and this update gives you everything you need to essentially make a[...]
Creepy Jar has confirmed the next update to Green Hell will be arriving on August 28th, as players will get the Storage and Transportation update The update was a part of the game's 2023 roadmap, in which they detailed a number of additions on the way that will vastly improve the experience We have more[...]
Indie developer and publisher Creepy Jar have announced the new Building Update is coming to Green Hell later this month This release will specifically be put out for PC players and will give them a number fo new options to give themselves options for survival Including the ability to build treehouses to your liking with[...]
Indie developer and publisher Creepy Jar have released Spirits Of Amazonia Part 3 for Green Hell on consoles, totally free this month The content has technically already been out on PC for a hot minute, so this is just catching the console players up to what PC players have already experienced But with a few[...]
Developer and publisher Creepy Jar have revealed that the next expansion, Spirits Of Amazonia Part 3, will be coming to Green Hell on December 14th While the content has already been released onto PC, this release will cover the PlayStation and Xbox players as they can finally receive the conclusion to this expansion But it[...]
VR developer Incuvo revealed this week that they will now be releasing Green Hell VR onto PlayStation VR units sometime next year The game has already been processed to be on Steam VR as well as Oculus/Meta devices, so the leap to put it on the PSVR setup isn't a big leap However, it is[...]
Creepy Jar revealed more details to Green Hell's upcoming release of Spirits Of Amazonia – Part 3 as it will be released in a couple of weeks The team revealed more of the long-awaited conclusion to this arc as they will finally be giving what is probably the most amount of content for it right[...]
Indie developer and publisher Creepy Jar have penned an open letter to the fans of their game Green Hell addressing the future of the game We have the full letter for you below, but the shorthand version is that they are working to improve the console experience and give players a new expansion, but it's[...]
Green Hell is about to get the next part of its last expansion as the next DLC, Spirits Of Amazonia Part 2, will drop on June 22nd Part 1 was released a short time ago in January and with it came a lot of new areas, missions, and different options for you to take off[...]
Tabletop game company Galaktus Games is teaming with video game developer Creepy Jar in order to bring consumers Green Hell: The Board Game in the future A Kickstarter campaign will be conducted in the coming months in order to crowdfund the game This board game is based on one of Creepy Jar's games, Green Hell, a horror[...]
It may have taken a bit of time, but developer Creepy Jar has announced today the Green Hell will finally be coming to consoles in June While they didn't put a specific date on the release, we do know today that it will be the full version of the game with every DLC and update[...]
Those of you who have been enjoying Green Hell as a regular game will be happy to know a VR version is coming next year Developer and publisher Creepy Jar made the announcement this week that their 2018 title will be getting a VR conversion as the team will be working with Poland-based studio Incuvo[...]
Green Hell may still be in Early Access, but the developers at Creepy Jar have decided to release a roadmap for the next six months anyway Below is a preview of what they intend to add to the game, along with a specialized note from the devs about why they've chosen to do this while[...]