Matt Kindt and Stephen Segovia continue the Armor Hunters storyline in Unity #8 and then Joshua Dysart and Khari Evans deal with the fall out of Death Of A Renegade in Harbinger #24.
Written by Matt Kindt Art by Stephen Segovia Covers By Mico Suayan, Clayton Crain and Trevor Hairsine
ARMOR HUNTERS descends on Valiant's[...]
Harbinger Archives
We've got an advance preview of Harbinger #24 – the penultimate chapter of "Death of a Renegade" from writer Joshua Dysart (Harbinger Wars) and Harvey Award-nominated artist Khari Evans (Immortal Iron Fist) In what Valiant is calling the most important Harbinger story ever told, one of the Renegades is dead…but the battle is far from[...]
Harbinger #23 hits stands tomorrow, and, as you might have noticed, Valiant has been playing a bit coy with this issue, the central installment of the "Death of a Renegade" story arc As the name implies, Valiant has promised that a key member of the Harbinger team dies here – the first major character death[...]
Harbinger #23 just weaponised Banksy.
Seriously, fellow You live in the City, when a robodrone mistakes your phone for a weapon… drop the phone It probably has gorilla glass anyway.
A traditional 24 greeting…
Even a Princess Of Mars can get slobbered on by doggie drool Hey, we're allowed to call her Princess Of Mars now, right?
X-Files #12 derives[...]
The way this works is, I pick a title and then recommend you try it based on other pieces of media. This week we look at two series that often find themselves intertwined and produced Valiant's first big crossover, Bloodshot and Harbinger.
Harbinger revolves around the life of Peter Stanchek, a young runaway living on the streets and struggling[...]
By July Valiant's big summer event Armor Hunters will be in full swing as two spin-off miniseries begin here as well as the 25th issue of Harbinger Plus we have the second trade from their super team book Unity.
Written by Robert Venditti Art & Cover by[...]
Spinning out of Valiant's big summer event Armor Hunters comes the start of two new three-part miniseries Armor Hunters: Bloodshot #1 and Armor Hunters: Harbinger #1 Both series can be read individually or as part of the full-event Retailers will be able to "unlock" chromium covers of each #1 issue with their orders.
On July 23rd,[...]
He won't like what the new lot of done with his characters I'll bet.
Like this from Harbinger It's just not very Jim Shooter is it?
While reading Five Ghosts I wondered if this is how Fabian Nicieza remembers his days at Valiant.
Fuse gives us something closer to, well, Alex + Ada.
And Star Trek #32 gives[...]
From Wondercon (and snapped by Andrew Sanford) it appears that Valiant Entertainment will cancel their Harbinger series with issue #25 in July, a 48 page double-sized issue.
But that's okay, in a case of All New Valiant NOW, it will relaunch with a three issue mini-series, Harbinger Omegas #1 in August.
That will be accompanied with the launch of[...]
By Jared Cornelius
In the summer of 2012 Valiant Comics returned from the grave, they rose not as shambling zombie, but as a glorious phoenix, but I didn't know that. At the time I had turned my nose up at X-O Manowar and Bloodshot, I scoffed at the idea that the 90's were back and expected another round of Malibu or Awesome Comics. But last year on a whim I decided to[...]
This will be their first chance to bring their Valiant First initiative to the fans and focus on Rai, Armor Hunters and The Delinquents.
Guests for the show include writer James Asmus (Quantum And Woody, The Delinquents), colorist David Baron (Archer & Armstrong, Shadowman: End Times), writer Joshua Dysart (Harbinger, Armor Hunters: Harbinger) and writer Robert Venditti (Armor[...]
The fine folks at Valiant have sent over a sneak peek at Harbinger #22, the first part of the Death Of A Renegade storyline by writer Joshua Dysart and artist Clayton Henry.
Peter Stanchek and his wayward team of teenage Renegades thought they had found freedom They thought they could get their old lives back They[...]
And they will rid the universe of the X-O Manowar's incalculable destructive power…even if it means taking the Earth with it.
In the tradition of the universe-shaking HARBINGER WARS, Valiant's biggest heroes begin the summer's blockbuster 18-issue crossover event right here in Armor Hunters #1 (of 4) – and then launch the resistance against the world's[...]
Our Harbinger Bleeding Monk #0 comes with a red rum Bleeding Monk shot (if you're 21 or older), Saga volume 3 is here, as is Sex Criminals #5, and our buddy Ales Kot's Zero #6 Finally, the Original Writer, Alan Moore's second Nemo volume is out and it's only 10 pounds in the UK!
Wait… did Valiant name a character after our website? I'm going to pretend they did.
Harbinger: Bleeding Monk #0 comes out in March and gives a new introduction into the world of Toyo Harada's Harbinger Foundation.
What has become of the Bleeding Monk? Formerly Toyo Harada's right hand, the cryptic and seemingly immortal seer at the center of[...]
Silk's grasp unscathed!
$3.99/T+/32 pgs.
Final Interlocking Variant by ZACHARY MONTOYA
Variant Cover by KHARI EVANS
Dead Means Dead.
$3.99/T+/32 pgs.
Covers by LEWIS LAROSA and ROBERTO[...]
First up we have Harbinger #21 the second part of the Resistance story arc by Joshua Dysart and Clayton Henry.
Once again, the Renegades are on the run with the combined forces of the Harbinger Foundation and Project Rising Spirit closing in on all sides This time, however, the team's newest member, Ax, has left a trail[...]
The three part story arc Death Of A Renegade by Joshua Dysart and Clayton Crain kicks off this April in Harbinger #22.
Peter Kris Zephyr Flamingo Torque Standing head-to-head against Toyo Harada, the superhuman CEO behind the Harbinger Foundation, one of these daring teenage heroes is about to lay their life on the line. United by their unique[...]
So much so that you are in a team called Suicide Squad.
But just one minute, over in World's Finest today…
You're just full of the joys of spring! See, Earth 1 ain't bad, is it?
There's a war coming… but you can always go for a little flight action.
And another way to dispose of surveillance equipment, in[...]
We've got two more preview for you today from our fine friends at Valiant.
First up is Archer & Armstrong #17 by Fred Van Lente and Khari Evans.
The SECT CIVIL WAR reaches its earth-shattering climax! (…and for once we mean that literally)! ARCHER versus ARMSTRONG! An incredible second identity for MARY-MARIA! Obadiah Archer gets a bold new[...]
Our man Joe Glass has graced us with his voluminous Christmas swag all the way from Wales tonight…
He details the contents as follows:
Harbinger Volume 1
Archer & Armstrong Volume 1
Bloodshot Volume 1
Superman slanket
Monsters University mug
Batman: Arkham Origins on PS3
Bioshock: Infinite on PS3
Marvel Sleep pants
Marvel wallet
Marvel Weekend/Gym bag
I wonder if that's just a coincidence?
Superboy shows that if you have telekinesis, you can basically do every super power there is if you try hard enough.
Sneaky sneaky…did Matt Kindt just unveil a new X-O Manowar in Unity #2?!
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, Harbinger #19 brings you…KARDASHIAN[...]
As revealed by the Associated Press, Joshua Dysart and Clayton Henry are changing the Valiant Universe forever in this January's Harbinger #20 – the start of the Resistance story arc.
A whistleblower named Ax has just unleashed a secret with the potential to change the course of human history – superhumans walk among us…and billionaire philanthropist[...]
Here's the cover to Harbinger #20 from Valiant.
And here's the version scanned in from Previews, and posted to the Valiant Fans messageboards…
Here's the cover to Harbinger #20 from Valiant.
And here's the version scanned in from Previews, and posted to the Valiant Fans messageboards…
Here's the cover to Harbinger #20 from Valiant.
And here's the version[...]
Clayton Henry, previously of Suicide Squad and Incredible Hercules, and now Archer & Armstrong and Harbinger Wars has signed an exclusive contract with Valiant, ensuring he only works for them for the near future, and receiving staff benefits often denied a freelancer.
Valiant already have Doug Braithwaite, Cary Nord, Trevor Hairsine, Joshua Dysart and Brian Reber[...]
They are a dragon.
Nothing moves but their eyeballs in Kiss Me Satan #1… don't have an accident in that thing in your first issue, okay?
Too late for Buzzkill #1…
And Harbinger has a vehicle that, basically, no one wants to get in an accident with Of course, there are other ways to get around.
And Bounce[...]
3, but we know Archer has been trying to figure out his connection with PRS (and therefore "Bloodshot," and therefore "Harbinger") for some time … so how A&A fits in with the larger Valiant Universe will become clearer and clearer.
BC: You've been on the title over a year now, as you go into the second arc,[...]
This is the rejected Godzilla pitch that let Joshia Dysart write Harbinger…
This is the rejected Godzilla pitch that let Joshia Dysart write Harbinger…
This is the rejected Godzilla pitch that let Joshia Dysart write Harbinger…
This is the rejected Godzilla pitch that let Joshia Dysart write Harbinger…
Chris D'Lando writes for Bleeding Cool:
After a long and busy day three of Comic-Con, the creators and executives behind Valiant Entertainment gathered for an after dark panel and Q&A to discuss what's to come in what's been dubbed the "Second Summer of Valiant."
Moderator Brian Wells of was joined by Valiant CEO Dinesh Shamdesani, Publisher[...]
Bleeding Cool Magazine article by Rich Johnston If you are reading this magazine, you must love comics. And one of the things about this hobby that makes