So an elderly Bruce Wayne would have been replaced with Luke Foz, Clark Kent replaced by Jonathan Kent, etc The current status of 5G is still unknown, not least by people at DC Comics, but it looks as if Tom Taylor and Trevor Hairsine will be doing their own version in June, with the sequel[...]
Jonathan Kent Archives
So who wants some more half-truths and misinformation? As a result of yesterday’s address to retailers by DC publisher Dan DiDio, much of which can be
Two comic books written by Brian Bendis today, Superman #16 and Event Leviathan #5. Both featuring Damian Wayne. Both featuring Leviathan... And both
We then learned that Jonathan Kent will be aged again, and become the new Superman.
A new Batman, a new Superman, a new generation of DC Comics heroes It was all starting to fit together And now we know more New first issue relaunches for both That the first title to be relaunched will be Wonder[...]
With Bruce Wayne believed to be dead but secretly supporting him behind the scenes.
Today we revealed that Jonathan Kent will be aged again, and become the new Superman, replacing his father, Clark Kent, in the public role.
And we've also heard more Flash, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and more, will see their roles replaced by[...]
He began to exhibit Superman-like powers and the recent few years has seen Superman as a father, seeing his young son grow up and take on a role as Superboy.
This underwent a radical change recently when Jonathan Kent went on a galaxy tour with his revived grandfather Jor-El, which also involved some faster-than-light travel and[...]
And that Jonathan Kent no loner aged when he went on a trip with Jor-El, instead he aged when he went to the future with the Legion Of Super-Heroes Unless of course he is going to age even more…
Generation 4: The Flashpoint – 5 Year Time Window
Year 1 – Wildstorm Damian debuts as Robin, Dick[...]
When he arrives on Earth, the narration has him using subtle mind control to make Jonathan Kent take him home.
So right from the start, baby Superman is already creepy I get the feeling that wasn't the intention.
Is Clark Kent Supposed to be a Sociopath?
Miller's writing keeps reminding us how detached and different Clark is from[...]
Superman returns with the Man of Steel searching the galaxy for his family while still looking out for Earth. Is it a good read?
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Jor-El has come to Earth to take Jonathan Kent away to learn more about his power, his people, and where his life may be headed Jon wants to go, but Lois and Clark are reluctant to send their son away with someone who might be his grandfather In the present, Superman fights Rogol Zaar[...]
The Man of Steel fights Rogol Zar off the Earth and onto the moon, but the battle goes poorly. Supergirl fights fires in Metropolis. Is it a good read?
The Super Sons unite with Cyborg to stop Kid Amazo from using the powers of the Justice League to take over the world. Can they win the day? Is it a good read?
The Superman Special tells three stories of the Man of Tomorrow. The first finds him and Superboy keeping a promise, the second an exhausting day for Superman, and the third Kal-El teaming up with Atomic Skull. Do they make for a good read?
In Superman #44, Superman and Superboy try their best to save Bizarro's world while Bizarro himself goes on a rampage and the Super Foes are held by the Legion of Fun. Is it a good read?
Action Comics #999 reunites Sam Lane and his daughter's family while Superman looks to have another encounter with Cyborg Superman. Is it a good read?
Bizarro has a family like the Superman family. We see what his family is like, and we return to our world to see a trip to Smallville from Superboy. Is it a good read?
The Booster Shot of Action Comics comes to an ending, as Superman and Booster Gold must escape execution from the Zod Family. Can they survive? Is Action Comics #998 a good read?
Superman and Superboy help the alien scientist Klain to save what he can of his people. However, his people do not want saving and will kill these three to stop it. Is it a good read?
Her and Clark's son, Jonathan Kent, follows not far behind.
Superman: Action Comics #997 cover by Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund, and Andrew Dalhouse
Action Comics' "Booster Shot" spins ever closer to #1000 with a disheartening insistence on padding and plot tangents This arc is decompressed beyond reason, and I say that as a guy who enjoys the[...]
Superman and Superboy find a planet that is on the brink of suffering the same fate as Krypton. The two Kryptonians intend to keep that from happening, but will the people of that planet let them? Is it a good read?
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Jonathan Kent develops a crush on a girl as his Super Sons ally, Damian Wayne, continues to fit in poorly at their Metropolis-based West-Reeve School Plus, Jonathan is staying with the Waynes for the weekend!
However, Talia al Ghul is in town and wants to bring her son in for an assassination contract.
Super Sons #13[...]
Little does the reporter know that her son, Jonathan Kent, aka Superboy, is not far behind her.
Action Comics #996 cover by Dan Jurgens, Trevor Scott, and Hi-Fi
I've not commented on the issue-to-issue artist shifts in my reviews of the "Booster-Shot" arc of Action Comics This is due to the fact that the previous artists have[...]
Action Comics #995 brings Superman and Booster Gold to the latter's time period — along with an angry Eradicator bot. Plus, Booster is wanted in this time period. Does this make for a good read?
The Justice League continue to spend time and bond with their future children, and they find they have a lot in common. But does it make for a good read?
Superman #30 is a good read, and it does justice to DC’s greatest rogue. Above all, it made me miss Cullen Bunn's Sinestro comic.
This past week's Superman #28 and Batman #28 both look at war in a way. They approach it in similar fashion, but display it in completely different manners.
The latest DC Versus is another showdown that I never would've thought of… mainly because I'm a little behind on my reading and I'm not too familiar with Jonathan Kent, the new Superboy and I'm not the biggest Damian Wayne fan That said… I am fascinated by the potential of this particular battle[...]