judge dredd Archives

37 Thoughts About 37 Comics – The Movement, Detective Comics, Stormwatch, Crossed, Inhuman, Green Lantern, Caliban, Starlight, Action Comics, Field, She-Hulk, Dead Letters, Beautiful Scars, God Is Dead, Loki, New Warriors, Captain America, Revelations, Green Arrow, Garfield, Suicide Risk, Pretty Deadly, Secret, Revival, Adventure Time, Quantum And Woody, GI Joe, Artifacts, Sinister Dexter,  Gate Way, Rogue Trooper, Monster & Madman, Judge Dredd, Green Hornet, Shotgun Wedding, Turok Dinosaur Hunter and Archer And Armstrong
What happened to good old fashioned voyeuristic fascination? Judge Dredd Mega-City Two #3 shows us that Siri doesn't actually get that much better. You know, it might not have been quite so amusing if those with guns were slightly better shots There's being an adrenaline junkie, and there's being shot in the ass Insane is right, in Green[...]
Sirius XM Does Comic Book Inspired Heavy Metal Show
In fact, metal and comics cross paths only rarely but with legendary results, and on this week's heavy metal history lesson host Ian Christe ("Sound of the Beast"/Bazillion Points Books) clobbers a handful of classic songs about Iron Man, Thor, Judge Dredd, Spiderman, Ghost Rider, Conan, and others by heavy metal heroes Manowar, Bloodstar, Voivod,[...]
Sixty-One Thoughts About Sixty-One Comics – The Walking Dead, Catwoman, Mighty Avengers, Larfleeze, Bravest Warriors, Teen Titans, Elephantmen, Uncanny Avengers, Miracleman, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Superior Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, Hawkeye, Revenge, Pariah, Hacktivist, Wraith, Aquaman, Auteur, Rat Queens, Super Soldiers, Black Science, Batman/Superman, Flash, Justice League Dark, World's Finest, Regular Show, Mass Effect, Manhattan Projects, Origin II, Wolverine, Three, Superman, Umbral, Wolverine & The X-Men, Bounce, Five Weapons, Deadly Class, Sex, Satellite Sam, Chew, Artefacts, Turtles x3, Serenity, Star Wars Legacy, Tiomb Raider, Damsels, LOEG: Roses Of Berlin, X-Files Conspiracy Transformers, Star Trek, Samurai Jack, Powerpuff Girls, My Little Pony, Judge Dredd, Ghostbusters, Cryptozoic Man, Robocop and Deceivers
It all starts here… In My Little Pony Friends Forever #2 we get some bad gags… and the horrible conclusion that Granny Smith has got crabs. Judge Dredd #16 poses a solution to the CSI-sation of modern publishing. Ghostbusters #13 tackles spectral humour and horror tropes But here's the thing… most American building and hotels[...]
Dead Or Dredd In Trauma Town?
Artist Nick Percival is running a little competition on his Facebook page for people to get a chance to appear in his upcoming Judge Dredd series for 2000AD that he's painting – Trauma Town – as a Judge that will die very horribly They have to come up with a good reason as to why they'd[...]
Making Your Own Sequel To Dredd
If you want a sequel to the Dredd movie... you could make your own. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7wSfWDSDTI Or read the second print of Underbelly
Forty-Three Thoughts About Forty-Three Comics – Forever Evil, Ms Marvel, Punisher, Iron Man, Invincible Universe, Earth 2, New Avengers, Captain America, Minimum Wage, Rover Red Charlie, God Is Dead, Gate Way, Archer And Armstrong, Jennifer Blood, Turok, Vampirella, Juice Squeezers, Terminator, Catalyst, Lobster Johnson, Robocop, Judge Dredd, Transformers, Illegitimates, Revelations, God Is Dead, Regular Show, Aliens Vs Parker, Baltimore, GI Joe, Mega City 2, My Little Pony, Indestructable, Arkham War, The Movement, Suicide Risk, Sinister Dexter, Lazarus, Painkiller Jane,  Garfield, Victories, Secret, Green/Red Lantern, Superior Carnage, Superior Foes.
But he really is Judge Dredd, isn't he? I mean, even more than usual? Talking of which, from Judge Dredd Classics #8, is he talking about a floating dooky there? It just sounds like another faecal euphemism… And there's another from Transformers More Than Meets The Eye #26 And the euphemism flips the other way in Illegitimates #3. And[...]
Thirty-Nine Thoughts About Thirty-Nine Comics – All New Invaders, Batman, Mighty Avengers, Batman And Robin, Hawkeye, Transformers, Animal Man, Origin II, X-Factor, Wonder Woman, Sex, Harley Quinn, Batwoman, X-Men, Midas Flesh, Jinnrise, Star Wars, Pretty Deadly, Deadly Class, Dead Body Road, Chew, Umbral, Krampus, Zero, Bad Ass, Peanuts, TMNT, Elfquest, Mind MGMT, Dark Horse Presents, Captain Midnight, X-Files, Massive, Judge Dredd, Mega City Two, The Mocking Dead, Samurai Jack and Aphrodite XI Hidden Files
Glass gets broken, but teeth stay intact. Massive #19 sees the Russians use every part of the helicopter, from tip to tail. X-Files Conspiracy: Ghostbusters #1 does bring up the question of exactly where Egon got his hair in The Real Ghostbusters. Judge Dredd #15 makes me wonder… exactly how can you listen well through that bloody[...]
Visiting Your Friendly Neighborhood Rebellion – During a Mini-Apocalypse
I arrived at last, after crossing two canals on foot bridges beneath which equally alarming currents swirled, but safe at last, I met up with PR Officer for Rebellion, Michael Molcher and was greeted by a massive Judge Dredd statue It was clear I was in the right place. In a subtly humming capacious hangar a[...]
The 2000AD/Judge Dredd Megazine Crossover You Might Have Missed
From Judge Dredd Megazine #343 And from the end of year 2000AD Prog 2014. Isn't that sweet? From Judge Dredd Megazine #343 And from the end of year 2000AD Prog 2014. Isn't that sweet? From Judge Dredd Megazine #343 And from the end of year 2000AD Prog 2014. Isn't that sweet? From Judge Dredd Megazine #343 And from the end of year[...]
Swipe File: Uncanny Avengers And Judge Dredd
  Uncanny Avengers by John Cassaday… And Judge Dredd: The Child's Quest by Mike McMahon. In Swipe File we present two or more images that resemble each other to some degree They may be homages, parodies, ironic appropriations, coincidences or works of the lightbox We trust you, the reader, to make that judgment yourself? If you are[...]
The Last 2000AD Of 2013
Alasdair Stuart writes: For many in the UK, Christmas is marked by the arrival of a double-sized Radio Times that, somehow, always seems to use the same
Anderson And Dredd Are The Brain And The Brawn In Dredd: Underbelly
This, of course, has nothing at all to do with Karl Urban portraying the enigmatic Judge Dredd; I don't find him handsome or anything – Urban, not Dredd Putting my schoolboy crush aside for the moment, Dredd: Underbelly had enough action, violence, and partial nudity to keep me interested and intrigued, even if some of[...]
Thirty Thoughts About Thirty Comics – Iron Man, Earth 2, Superior Spider-Man, Bionic Man, Batman/Superman, X-Men Legacy, Batwing, Green Arrow,  Phantom Stranger, Fearless Defenders, Detective Comics, Elephantmen, Khan, Spawn,  Burn The Orphanage, Happy Kitty, Judge Dredd, The Revenger, Velvet, Carbon Grey, Great Pacific, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Secret Avengers, Think Tank, Doctor Who, Black Bat, Deadworld, Dinosaurs Attack, Transformers And TMNT Shredder (UPDATE)
And here's how she got that way… The stench of death reaches Judge Dredd But do you actually do your smelling in your nostrils? Isn't it further up? I have realised I have no idea what I'm talking about and should go and read a biology book, maybe get a closer look. Thank you for obliging, preview[...]
Forty-Six Thoughts About Forty-Five Comics – Kick Ass 3, Black Science 1, Aphrodite IX, Damsels, Jonah Hex, Justice League Dark, Dark Shadows, Five Ghosts, Infinity Heist, Infinity Hunt, Nova, Conan, Itty Bitty Hellboy, Half Past Danger, Goon,  Infinity, Avengers Assemble, Powers, Doctor Who, THUNDER Agents, Ghostbusters, GI Joe, TMNT, Judge Dredd, Maxx, Peabody & Sherman, X-Files, Zombie Tales, Captain Midnight, Dark Knight, Criminal Macabre, Wolverine And The X-Men. Forever Evil: ARGUS, Teen Titans, Superman, Revival, Danger Girl, Morning Glories, Tom Strong, Walking Dead, Thief Of Thieves, Star Trek, Hawkeye, Flash, Aquaman
Take two Judge Dredds twice a day and you;ll be right as rain. Very amusing, GI JOe Special Missions, but you'l never be able to sell that on eBay now.     No one show this page to Bleeding Cool's Brendon or he won't be able to go to sleep for a month. What is it with people trying[...]
Cosplayers Converge at Comikaze and Create The Con Experience
Or my personal favorite because of Karl Urban's Dredd, was the man himself – Judge Dredd! However, once in awhile there's someone who has a twisted sense of humor Hearing some loud rap music at one point Saturday afternoon, I turned to see a red stormtrooper with the customary heavy gold chain and medallion that could[...]
Thirty-Three Thoughts About Thirty-Three Comics –  Young Avengers, Tom Strong, Nova, Secret Avengers, Now What?, Haunted Horror, Justice League Dark, Great Pacific, Satellite Sam, Sex Criminals, Uncanny Avengers, Pretty Deadly, Judge Dredd, Velvet, Infinity Hunt, Conan, Infinity Heist, Larfleez, Savage Wolverine, Rat Queens, Massive, Doctor Who, Rocketeer/Spirit, Samurai Jack, Mind MGMT, Kiss Me Satan, Zombie War, Fever Ridge, Dark Horse Presents, Vampirella, Army Of Darkness/Reanimator and Thunderbolts
95% just isn't enough, it seems. Even Judge Dredd gets in on the action Quick, quick, can't we find any man to stand up to a woman? Phew, that's better Misogyny maintained. Velvet is probably my favourite comic this week, it just drips of the kind of comic you don't see these days, the Modesty Blaise, Button Man,[...]