MTG Archives

Magic: The Gathering - Dominaria United Might Be A Fake Expansion
We will find out later today during a Weekly MTG stream at 2:30 Pacific Time (5:30 Eastern Time), probably In the meantime, what do you think about the verity of Dominaria United? Is this an actual Magic: The Gathering set, or is it a cover for something more insidious? Let us know in the comments below! [...]
Magic: The Gathering: Vanguard Series 4, Pt. 1: "Attack On Wallet"
Ashnod According to the fan-driven MTG Wiki website, Ashnod was Mishra's student and apprentice around the time of the Brothers' War, and served as a foil to Tawnos, Urza's apprentice It was Ashnod who gave Urza the Golgothian Sylex during the Battle of Argoth. Ashnod, a Vanguard character for Magic: The Gathering, a game by Wizards of[...]
Magic: The Gathering: Mishra's Factory x2 On Auction At Heritage
Furthermore, according to the lot's auction listing on Heritage Auctions' website: The Antiquities Set is the second expansion set for MTG, and it continued to build on the popularity its predecessors started Offered in this lot are 2 cards from the set: Mishra's Factory (Fall) (Excellent+ 5.5) with the following subgrades: centering 8.5, surface 6, corners[...]