Privateer Press has come out with a large number of games over the years – from Warmachine and Hordes to Monsterpocalypse, Privateer has been pivotal in making sure players have something to paint and play on the tabletop In August, they are releasing starter sets for a new game called Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika, a sci-fi, dice-and-card-driven wargame[...]
privateer press Archives
Privateer Press, renowned creator of such tabletop games as Warmachine and Hordes, has announced their releases for August, including a few models for Monsterpocalypse! For those of you who still don't know, this game is one where you control a daikaiju monster and its minions in an attempt to defeat the opposing monster[...]
Privateer Press is coming out with more new Monsterpocalypse releases!
Source: Privateer Press
So, the first thing to look out for is Xixorax, a Savage Swarm monster.
Source: Privateer Press
From the website's blurb on Xixorax:
The existence of the Savage Swarm has produced rampant speculation in fields as far apart as biology and theology[...]
Monsterpocalypse from Privateer Press is unlike any other miniature game on the market Players assemble and paint teams of giant monsters, then bring those monsters together to fight it out over a model city Monsterpocalypse takes everything you love about Godzilla, King Kong, Ultraman, and Power Rangers and puts it all into the palm of[...]
The folks at Privateer Press have a pretty nifty contest going on for their Monsterpocalypse monster-fighting miniature game— and the winner gets their favorite game store immortalized in resin for their giant monsters to destroy.
//Credit: Privateer Press
One of the really fun aspects to Monsterpocalypse is the inclusion of finely detailed resin buildings, many of which[...]
So, imagine how much a goofball like me is going to flip out over a game like Monsterpocalypse, the kaiju-fighting-kaiju maniature game from the folks at Privateer Press.
I have already fallen head over heals for these minis, and have a couple of them already put together But my favorite so far is King Kondo, the[...]
Three new releases for Privateer Press' Warmachine miniatures war-game are hitting game stores right about now, with a pirate, a warjack, and a new take on an old favorite ready to take their place in your army now!
Warmachine: Khador – Kovnik Apprentice Kratikoff
//Credit: Privateer Press
The woman who would become one of Khador's greatest warcasters entered[...]
Privateer Press has been knocking it out of the park lately, first, by continuing to release truly gorgeous miniatures for their Warmachine and Hordes games, and then by re-launching Monsterpocalypse as a jaw-dropping love letter to giant monster mayhem.
What's next? It looks like Privateer is about to bring some truly iconic characters to life, with[...]
Now is fully the time to get into Star Wars: Legion!
Privateer Press has gone above and beyond with their update of the venerable Monsterpocalypse franchise, with truly breathtaking miniatures that blow the original figures out of the water And while all of the factions may not be fully fleshed out yet, there is more than[...]
Here's a closer look at what's coming next month from Privateer Press:
King Kondo
//Credit: Privateer Press
The arrival of the Destroyers has drawn the ire of many great beasts once hidden in the untracked jungles and wilderness places One of the greatest of Earth's savage defenders is known as King Kondo, a primate of gargantuan proportions with[...]
There's a brand new faction coming to Privateer Press' Warmachine miniatures game, with an entirely new range of minis to make your heart happy and your wallet empty! This new faction won't be out until July, so get your pre-orders arranged and start saving up !
//Credit: Privateer Press
Composed of otherworldly horrors and soldiers drawn from[...]
Six brand-spanking new releases have hit game stores for Privateer Press' Warmachine and Hordes, featuring some of the most off-kilter monsters I've seen in a while!
Let's start off with the Grymkin releases, which are about to bring some high-octane nightmare fuel to your game tables!
Baron Tonguelick
//Privateer Press
Uhm, yes, please Keep throwing demonic dandy frogs at[...]
Today, I found out about Mini Crate from Privateer Press, the folks behind Warmachine, Hordes, and the maddeningly fun Monsterpocalypse.
There's only two days left to secure May's miniature release, which is this awesome Ancestral Guardian Angel She's pretty cool looking, and would fit into so many different game settings!
//Credit: Privateer Press
I was pretty curious about[...]
If you haven't seen Privateer Press' re-launch of Monsterpocalypse, you should really rectify that! Giant robots, monsters, and aliens collide to smash up cities, but in miniature form So far, Privateer has put out some pretty sweet looking miniatures, but the next wave of releases pushed Monterpocalypse right into "must buy" territory for me!
Get ready[...]