The Question: All Along The Watchtower #4 by Alex Segura and Cian Tormey is out this week, with Renee Montoya policing the Justice League Watchtower With the Question getting all Rorschachy. Well, Rorschach was, of course, based on The Question by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons in Watchmen. And, of course, lyrics to All Along The Watchtower by Bob Dylan[...]
question Archives
It appears, if you read social media that the first issue of DC's new The Question: All Along The Watchtower series has #1 on Final Order Cutoff this coming Monday – retailers' last chance to change their orders before books go on sale If you dig a little deeper, you'll find a few preview pages[...]
On his Substack, former Archie EIC, DC PR and Newsarama reporter Alex Segura writes that he is writing "THE QUESTION: ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER ongoing series launches in November from DC Comics!" with Renee Montoya as The Question, drawn by Cian Tormey and edited b y, Paul Kaminski and Jillian Grant "We haven't shown any interior art yet,[...]
Thanks to a combination of PRH and Amazon, a little look at some other big books coming through from DC Comics in 2022, whether an Omnibus Question of a Deluxe Flintstones… worth budgeting for now?
The Question by Dennis O'Neil Omnibus Vol 1
By Dennis O'Neil and Denys Cowan, Apr 26, 2022, 916 Pages
Comics legends Dennis O'Neil[...]
The Question.
I know, The Question was created by Steve Ditko for Charlton Comics… but that's Vic Sage Renee Montoya, the second Question was original introduced in Batman the Animated Series She became an integral part of the comics, but didn't start there She could be a really interesting addition to the team.
But… if my assumption[...]
A certain red haired gentleman called Mr Sage, taking over the team.
Now, this is how The Question, previously pre-52 the alter ego of Vic Sage, was introduced to the New 52.
Is this the same guy? Or it Mr Sage's destiny to become him?
Here's a page from the preview of tomorrow's New Suicide Squad #1[...]
DC Comics has been publishing Trinity Of Sin: Pandora and Trinity Of Sin: Phantom Stranger for a little while now, (but no Trinity Of Sin: The Question) but they were recently cancelled by the publisher.
DC have now told Newsarama that in October they'll be publishing Trinity Of Sin, a new series with all three characters, Jim[...]
These tidbits about the Trinity of Sin leave us with some questions: The Phantom Stranger is being renamed Trinity Of Sin: The Phantom Stranger. Now we have Trinity Of Sin: Pandora. Can Trinity Of Sin: The Question be far behind?
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The Phantom Stranger is being renamed Trinity Of Sin: The Phantom Stranger.
Now we have Trinity Of Sin: Pandora.
Can Trinity Of Sin: The Question be far behind?
After all, two Trinity books without a third does seem rather lacking… and there was a little bit of a potential tiny tease at the DC ECCC panel that just[...]
Gail Simone talks about working on the New 52. And why Birds Of Prey was taken away from her. Part of the idea of the New 52 was to change people’s
It's time to start asking exactly who the new wizards of the DC Universe , the creators of Shazam, and the damners of the Trinity Of Evil, are?
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Who Is The Question? And Who Are The Wizards Of The New 52?
So we've all read the DC New 52 issue now right? Right? After[...]
But the third… someone we should know? Or at least did?
Oh I see, it's not Black Bison after all, it's Beetlejuice.
The new Question! Created by Steve Ditko, probably no longer detective Vic Sage or Renee Montoya, now reinvented as a supernatural entity, for some crime or other.
And, as for Phantom Stranger… yeah, he's definitely got[...]