Session: Skate Sim Archives

Session: Skate Sim Releases New Schoolyard DLC
Nacon and Creā-ture Studios released a new pack of content for Session: Skate Sim, as players can now download the new Schoolyard DLC This is taking back to the days when you used to go visit a school when it wasn't in session and just did tricks in all the places you didn't think you[...]
Session: Skate Sim Releases New Abandoned Mall DLC
Nacon and developer Creā-ture Studios have released a new DLC for Session: Skate Sim, taking you to a place where they definitely hate skateboarding The new "Abandoned Mall" DLC gives you everything you could have ever hoped for, as you have many places to skate around and no mall cops telling you to vacate the[...]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Join Session: Skate Sim
Nacon and Crea-ture Studios revealed a new free update available in Session: Skate Sim, as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have joined the game! As part of the promotion for the film, you can now skate around the cities and in the newly-created sewers, as any of the four turtles from the new film Teenage[...]
Session: Skate Sim Receives An Official Release Date
confirmed they will be releasing Session: Skate Sim on the Nintendo Switch in March with a new update as well The game will be the most updated version of the title when it launches for Nintendo Switch on March 9th, 2023, as they have added a few improvements to the title to help make it[...]
Session: Skate Sim Receives An Official Release Date
have released a new video for Session: Skate Sim as they highlight four new skaters in the game The four names being added to the mix are Torey Pudwill, Nora Vasconcellos, Samarria Brevard, and Ryan Thompson Each character in the game is designed to look just like its real-life counterpart with their own fashion style[...]
Session: Skate Sim Receives An Official Release Date
Nacon and Crea-ture Studios dropped a new trailer for Session: Skate Sim this week, showing off the San Francisco area The team has basically gone above and beyond to make as realistic a setting as they can for the skating title, and with it comes a setting many may be familiar with as they have[...]
Session: Skate Sim Receives An Official Release Date
revealed they have an official release date for Session: Skate Sim as it will come out this September For the past couple of years, the game has slowly been getting updates while sitting in Early Access Always seemed like it was on the verge but not quite ready to come out Now we know the[...]