This one features Si Spurrier talking about The Shadow #1 that he's doing with Daniel HDR that comes out today Being a first issue, you know it has a few covers and we have those as well, and by some big names: Kenneth Rocafort, Michael Kaluta, Brandon Peterson, Neal Adams, and Tyler Kirkham.
Hello, folks, Si Spurrier[...]
si spurrier Archives
Today we have an exclusive look inside the new Dynamite series The Shadow from Si Spurrier (X-Force) and Daniel HDR (Superman). For the better part of a century, the Shadow's sinister laughter brought the chill of fear to evil-doers – but in our modern times, the streets of Manhattan have gone largely silent But he is[...]
Even if you don't like it, I think it will open the floodgates of a different sort of storytelling which can only be a good thing for tv.
JS: I saw they are coming out with the omnibus of your story very soon.
SS: So one feeds the other quite admirably.
JS: I think the fact is, the[...]
Could not be more excited.
Spurrier also posted a few more images:
So Si Spurrier, Caspar Wijngaard, and Emma Price are creating an all-ages, creator owned series set in a city that has apparently been reclaimed by nature, sometime in 2017 Well, things are already looking brighter.
We don't know very much about it, but Simon Spurrier,[...]
Cry Havoc #1 came out today, from Image Comics.
Creators on the book, Si Spurrier and Emma Price, were signing copies in Orbital earlier.
Like this.
They sadly removed them from the subsequent party in Brewdogs, Soho….
Cry Havoc #1 came out today, from Image Comics.
Creators on the book, Si Spurrier and Emma[...]
And other examples that don't rhyme quite as easily.
Wednesday sees the launch of Cry Havoc, the lesbian werewolf drama by Si Spurrier and Ryan Kelly and published by Image Comics.
On the same day, Brewdog Soho, a pub on Poland Street, Soho, will launch a gallery exhibition for the comic book, in their downstairs bar, available[...]
Avatar Press (our parent company) has two new books hitting shelves this week. First up is Crossed: Badlands #92 by Max Bemis and German Erramouspe and can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: IMAGE COMICS presents CRY HAVOC (
Ever wondered what the inside of Si Spurrier's head was like? If writing a comic about a character with multiple personalities wasn't enough, now he has to embody that himself, talking about an upcoming comic he is writing, out in January, Cry[...]
This is the first page of next week's Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Year Two #3 by Si Spurrier and Simon Fraser Published by Titan Comics, the relaunched series has done a number of surprising things, not the least reviving the character created by the late Steve Moore, Absalom Daak, Dalek Killer.
But next week, the comic[...]
Here come Avatar Press' first solicitations for 2016, from January... including a brand new comic book from Garth Ennis. GOD IS DEAD VOL 07 TPB $19.99
Si Spurrier, who has been blowing our little minds recently on Crossed +100, has a new comic out in January with Ryan Kelly Cry Havoc, a gritty new fantasy military noir comic published by Image Comics.
And oh look, Crossed +100's creator Alan Moore has something to say about it.
"The werewolves of London are chihuahuas compared[...]
I re-read the six issues again last night, surprising myself at what I missed, and gained an even greater respect for the series.
And now, just as Marvel are set to reprint the Gaiman/Buckingham Miracleman issues that followed the Moore/Leach/Davis/Austen/Veitch/Totleben story, so Si Spurrier and Fernando Heinz are set to follow a similar path[...]
Warren Ellis says,
Well, hell. Look at that. The cover, by the sainted Roger Strunk, for ELEKTROGRAD: RUSTED BLOOD, a long short story – something over 10,000 words, I forget exactly – and the second Summon Books digital-only release. A science fiction crime story about theoretical architecture, AI and vintage robotics.
The book will be available digitally[...]
UBER VOL 05 TPB $19.99 Cover: Daniel Gete Writer: Kieron Gillen Art: Daniel Gete, Caanan White MR, Color, 160 pages Kieron Gillen’s groundbreaking
A new comic book series announced at Image Expo, with Si Spurrier and Ryan Kelly, Cry Havoc, about a London hipster whose world undergoes a supernatural shift, who travels to Afghanistan and then somewhere else.
The beginning, middle and end of her story, told side by side.
And with three different colourists for each era…
Whic will also[...]
It does feel as it Spire has been coming a long time. Medieval
Written by Si Spurrier, it does in some ways appear to be a merging of his greatest hits His work on 2000AD, and the Mega City Blocks, wherein one can spend their whole life, with a police force often out of its depth, meting[...]
I've also heard Si Spurrier will be announcing a new project as well – his first for Image since Gutsville.
But for those, like me, who can't make it to the show, Image are putting out an Image Expo Preview book for a dollar, available at comic stores the Wednesday morning of San Diego Comic Con.
We told you that Si Spurrier was coming onto Doctor Who And he is, for the second year of The Eleventh Doctor comics from Titan, with Rob Williams and Simon Fraser.
And note the chainsword mention – it does seem to suggest a certain Absolom Daak, Dalek Killer who recently saw mention in the TV show.
And, yes,[...]
Which means new comic books from Alan Moore, Garth Ennis, Jacen Burrows, Kieron Gillen, Si Spurrier, Mike Costa, Mike Wolfer and more…
Writer: Aland Moore
Cover & Art: Gabriel Andrade
MR, Color, 160 pages
Alan Moore, the man who revolutionized comics, returns to tell a horrifying tale in the world of Garth Ennis' grueling survival[...]
Going back to the dream now.
— Si Spurrier (@sispurrier) May 8, 2015
Dear UK, I've had it with you people! Please let me know if you voted Tory so I can stop following you This is a nation of morons & fools
— Tim Pilcher (@Tim_Pilcher) May 8, 2015
Ultimately I blame George W Bush.
— Aaron Abernethy (@theronster)[...]
The author of X-Men Legacy, X-Force, Secret Wars, Numbercruncher, Crossed: Wish You Were Here, Disenchanted, Crossed +100, Six Gun Gorilla and much more
These are the Avatar Press comic books published for July 2015... which means the launch of Mercury Heat, more Providence from Alan Moore and Jacen
The big news from Avatar in June, and talked about at the weekend's London Super Comic-Con is that Si Spurrier, the author of Crossed: Wish You Were Here is writing an arc of Alan Moore's Crossed +100 series from his notes And Alan Moore's Providence jumps in size to a 40 page comic without ads[...]
Well now we are getting a second.
Bloody-Disgusting has worked with Marvel PR to announce a Marvel Zombies series by Si Spurrier and Kev Walker for June.
With an irresistible premise, this new series follows Elsa Bloodstone as she's dealing with the sisyphean task of defending "The Shield," a barrier on the southern hemisphere of Battleworld[...]
One of Boom's bigger sleeper hits from two years ago was Six-Gun Gorilla, which surprised everyone by taking a pulp era, public domain character and
Yesterday, Jeff Stokely tweeted,
Hey retailers at @comicspro #ComicsPRO tomorrow! Cool news from @boomstudios around 3:15pm regarding new book from @sispurrier & myself!
— Jeff Stokely (@JeffStokely) February 20, 2015
Today Si Spurrier tweeted,
Comicky retail chums! Delicious news out of @comicspro from @boomstudios at 3.15 PST, regarding a certain @JeffStokely and self #comicsPRO
— Si Spurrier (@sispurrier) February[...]
Solicited as,
AXIS tie-in!
• Companion series to Marvel's newest blockbuster event, AXIS!
• Featuring stories from the Avengers and X-Men's epic battle with the Red Skull!
• As the Red Skull broadcasts hate across the globe, will our heroes be able to quell the madness? Or might they[...]
Two issues by regular series writer Mike Costa, and two "Book Of Acts" specials titled "Alpha" and "Omega" with rather splendid guest stars: Alan Moore, Kieron Gillen, Si Spurrier and Justin Jordan, all regular Avatarites.
All who have created remarkably different takes.
Mike Costa takes God's rival, now supposedly free, dealing with the limits of that freedom[...]
Go Rick, Go! Show all the haters what you got! Letter 44 by Charles Soule is out in collection with a beautifully designed cover.
Vertigo has another issue of Sandman: Overture, it's worth the wait, and I love Cat Sandman! The new Si Spurrier book, Bodies, is a twisted Vertigo crime book featuring four murders in[...]
And every time we sleep, we die.
Cheery thought, hey? Courtesy of X-Force writer Si Spurrier there Who also has a collection of Six Gun Gorilla out, which I also liked in another bleak, why are we all here kind of way…
UPDATE: Rob Liefeld is keen to claim the original credit…
Love that they are doing my[...]