todd mcfarlane Archives

Todd McFarlane will Draw a 5-Page Story in Spawn #301 - and More Besides
We mentioned at the weekend that Todd McFarlane had got the bug for drawing his comic book stories again after Spawn #300 and #301 We don't know how long this will last, but he talked about eking his way back into drawing more and more Spawn himself Spawn #302 will now feature interior art by Todd[...]
Spawn #300 Gold Foil Selling for Over $600 on eBay
Todd McFarlane issued a 500-limited gold foil edition of Spawn #300 for New York Comic Con, selling for $50 at the Image Comics booth, with a 1500-limited silver foil edition for $35. Well, that may have been underpriced It has hit eBay hard. Copies of the gold foil version have now sold for over $600 on eBay,[...]
Auto Draft
And with that, Todd McFarlane has officially earned the Guinness World Records title for the longest-running creator-owned superhero comic book series for his creation of Spawn. "Any record that is based on longevity, is made on the backs of dozens of people As much as I am proud to be receiving this award, I gratefully accept[...]
As Spawn #300 Beats Absolute Carnage #1, Donny Cates Has an Offer to Todd McFarlane...
Yesterday, Bleeding Cool reported the news that Spawn #300 by Todd McFarlane and friends was the most-ordered comic in September, and the second most-ordered of the year, beating out Absolute Carnage, HOXPOX, DCeased, Black Cat, War Of The Realms and everything else other than Detective Comics #1000. Absolute Carnage writer Donny Cates, and current Venom writer,[...]
Marvel Zombies Renames From Respawn To Resurrection
I wonder if Todd McFarlane's people had a word? Because it seems that the planned Marvel Zombies revival, dubbed Marvel Zombies Respawn it to be renamed Marvel Zombies Resurrection. No more Spawn in its title. Here's your last look at the cover before they have to change the logo. MARVEL ZOMBIES RESURRECTION #1 (W) Phillip Kennedy Johnson (A) Leonard[...]
Getting to Know Black / Excellence with Khary Randolph
One day you're just sitting there minding your own business and the next you're on the phone with Todd McFarlane and he's breaking down the plot of an issue to you Oh, and he's telling you he wants to ink over your pencils? Can't nobody tell me nothing after that It was a great experience. ANDERSON[...]
"Batman: Black and White" Statue Series Hit Their 100th Statue
This time DC Collectibles is hitting a milestone with their 100th Batman Black and White Statue! This one is based on the Todd McFarlane Batman #423 cover This 5,000 limited edition statue shows off Batman with his wicked distorted cape blowing in the wind The statue stands about 9 inches, which is pretty big for[...]
Rob Liefeld Says Goodbye to the X-Men With Love Letter to Claremont/Byrne/Austin
Superstar artist Rob Liefeld has taken to Twitter to call notice to feet as drawn by fellow superstar artist and fellow Image founder Todd McFarlane after someone posted an old McFarlane Spider-Man drawing where Spider-Man has unnecessarily pointy feet. And people give me hell for my feet! — robliefeld (@robertliefeld) September 14, 2019 This isn't the first[...]
Spawn #300 Goes to Second Printing, Adds Bill Sienkiewicz to #301
Image Comics has announced that yesterday's Spawn #300 by Todd McFarlane and friends has sold out at the distributor level It is being fast-tracked for a second printing and will be available on Wednesday, October 2nd. He has also added Bill Sienkiewicz and J Scott Campbell to Spawn #301 covers, as well as previously announced Alex[...]
Rob Liefeld Reveals Why Image United is Really, Truly Dead
It's something I've discussed with Robert Kirkman but nobody's going to take it seriously until the work is done. But just last month, Todd McFarlane said that he wasn't entirely sold on finishing Image United, though he was open to something new with a similar concept. You could do that book and finish it, but it would[...]
Marcelo Ventura Creates Earthworm Spawn
He specialises in detailed gothic recreation of other people's charactes, whether that be Rick & Morty, Mario Bros, or a current Dumbo/Joker mashup. But he got quite a lot of attention for a recent creation on Instagram, that of Doug TenNapel's Earthworm Jim as Todd McFarlane's Spawn With the legend 'for love he returned … By hate[...]
Seven More Pages From Spawn #300
It seems to be Todd McFarlane Day in Bleeding Cool today For no obvious reason Anyway, talking of which, here's a look at seven pages from Spawn #300… We have three pages by Greg Capullo with inks by Todd McFarlane. One page with pencils by Jerome Opeña and inks by Todd McFarlane. Three pages with pencils and inks[...]
The Batman/Medieval Spawn and Angela/X-Men Crossovers That Neil Gaiman Never Wrote
Comic book journalist and historian Daniel Best is serialising certain chapters from his book The World Versus Todd McFarlane and I suddenly realise I need a copy A detailed look at the legal battles Todd McFarlane has been involved with over the years, just these evtracts add much to recent direct market comic book history. I'be[...]
Todd McFarlane Wants to Start a New Image United Before Finishing the Last One
However, had a chance to speak with Todd McFarlane, and this occurred at San Diego Comic-Con, before the Youngblood situation came to light. And of course, they asked him about reviving Image United To which he responded: Possibly It's interesting because there's two thoughts I'll tell you why I hesitated; you could do that book and[...]
Image Comics Solicitations October 2019
While hanging out at San Diego Comic-Con, Todd McFarlane decided to share his thoughts on his character Spawn being in Mortal Kombat 11 The talk of the character comes from IGN, who got the scoop in a video, which we have for you below Basically, McFarlane explains how NetherRealm Studios approached him and pitched the[...]
Comics Industry Roasts and Toasts Bleeding Cool For Its Tenth Anniversary, Today
Rich and his staff's opinions won't please everyone, that's okay., because for ten years they've given us what every creator wants from those that follow us…and that's passion! Good or bad they have earned their place at the comicbook table." – Todd McFarlane, creator of Spawn. "Congrats Rich! Congrats Bleeding Cool! I would spew a lengthy,[...]
What's Going on with Todd McFarlane's 'Spawn' Movie with Jamie Foxx?
So…last we heard, Blumhouse was moving right along with Todd McFarlane at the helm of a live-action reboot of Spawn, with Oscar-winner Jamie Foxx set to play the lead. Greg Nicotero had been brought in to oversee character design and makeup SFX, and Jason Blum was going to produce. McFarlane had been very vocal about the project, talking about how this[...]
Marvel Comics August 2019 Solicitations
Spawn isn't the only Todd McFarlane comic book with a 300th issue hitting stores in August Hell, it's not even the only one with that cover! Revealed in Marvel's August solicitations, the House of Ideas has unveiled the next comic book to get the 3D treatment: McFarlane and David Michelinie's Amazing Spider-Man #300, featuring the[...]
Greg Capullo, Taking a Wee Batman Break to Return to Spawn?
Hence the Year of The Villain cardstock covers for a buck extra. And while I am not aware of any actual schedule changes for The Last Knight On Earth, I understand that DiDio… let us say, had a moment of disquiet when he learned that artist Greg Capullo was taking a break to work on a[...]
Spawn Gets Crucified for Spawn #295
Just when you thought your outrage was over, pearl-clutching bible-thumpers, Todd McFarlane and Image Comics are ramping up the blasphemy! As Spawn heads toward its 300th issue, creator McFarlane revealed a page of interior art from Spawn #295 by artist and man with three first names, Jason Shawn Alexander, showing the titular character being crucified on[...]
Todd McFarlane Says Spawn Could be Coming to Mortal Kombat 11
In a recent AMA on Reddit, Spawn creator Todd McFarlane was asked whether or not his most famous character might find their way to MK11 McFarlane's short response: "I believe he's on the way…"  Nothing else was really revealed about the character or the game during the rest of the AMA. Just to be clear, we're[...]
Todd McFarlane Says Warner Bros. Won't Make a "Scary Joker Movie"
It seems that someone was ready to do some trash talking at Comic Con which should not be a surprise to anyone involved, and it also shouldn't be a surprise that the trash talking is coming from one Todd McFarlane McFarlane is currently in pre-production for his long-promised Spawn movie, which he is producing, directing,[...]
Todd McFarlane Teases New Image Comic with Game of Thrones Cast Member
At Todd McFarlane's spotlight "Todd McFarlane Talks Movies, Comics and Toys" panel, the comic pro hinted at what could be a new Image Comic series Bleeding Cool's Adam Wolfe is reporting for us from the panel. McFarlane is the creator of Spawn, Savior, and Haunt, as well as being one of the founders of Image Comics so the panel is[...]