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Adam Cole vs. Velveteen Dream – NXT Takeover: In Your House Results
Welcome to live coverage of NXT Takeover: In Your House here at Bleeding Cool. My name is Chad McMahon, and I've been seeing all of things you're saying about me, Jude Terror. I am not a goober. And let me tell you, The Chadster is two and a half white claw seltzers in already tonight, so you don't want to mess with me.
This next match is the Backlot Brawl, Adam Cole vs. Velveteen Dream. But first, we get a commercial for the new Ric Flair episode of 24 about his retirement match. I'll be watching that after the show. We also got another commercial for WWE cookie sandwich ice cream bars. And speaking of Flairs, Charlotte Flair is getting dressed backstage.
Adam Cole is the longest-reigning NXT Champion, but recent rumors say he hasn't signed a new contract and could be headed to AEW. I hope not, as Cole jumping to AEW would be a major blow against NXT in the Wednsday Night Ratings War. However, if it is true that Cole is leaving, look for him to lose the title tonight.
NXT Takeover: In Your House
Cole comes out first. Whatever happened to tradition?! The champ should always come out last, Cole arrived in an Undisputed Era monster truck. Wow, this show really is a throwback to the 90s. The Dream came next in a Lamborghini. Maura Ranallo made a Little Red Corvette reference anyway. Dream bought a baseball bat with him (Ranallo: "its that Lucille?!").
The match took place in a ring set up in the middle of a circle of cars with their headlines shining on it. This match was pre-filmed, so it actually already happened. Kinda blows your mind. I talked about the last Backlot Brawl a few months ago if you're interested.
Adam Cole refused to come down from his truck until Dream dropped the baseball bat. Cole came down and Dream tried a rollup to start the match. He got a two-count. Next, a backslide for two. Then another rollup for two. Adam Cole hit a big boot as if to say: what about the foreplay? The Chadster knows all about foreplay.
And just like the Chadster, Cole figured his job was done after a minute and a half and hopped in a nearby car to try to drive away. But Dream attacked and started smashing the car with his bat with Cole inside. Cole exited the vehicle and the brawl spilled outside the ring of cars. An uber pulled up and Dream through cole through the uber and out the other side.
Dream continued to beat up Cole as the uber drove away. Fun fact: uber drivers and wrestlers are both independent contractors. This match is all brawling, as to be expected. Cole began trying to open doors on the street in an attempt to get away. Dream grabbed a garbage can lid, the most hardcore of weapons, but Cole disappeared inside one of the buildings.
Dream found a door that was opened but when he went inside, Cole attacked with a fire extinguisher, spraying it in Cole's face. In control fo the first time, Cole brawled back to the ring area. Cole recommended Dream quit and called him stupid, then beat the crap out of him next to an SUV. Dream attacked by choking cole with his torn up shirt, then rammed Cole's head into the ring post.
Cole hit a gyrating double axehandle from the ring apron and then tossed Cole into the ring. Cole kept rolling, all the way out the other side and took a breather outside. Dream followed from the top rope, but Cole caught him on the way down with a superkick. Dang, I would not want to land on my feet on the concrete from the top rope.
Cole tried a jumping move from the apron of his own, but Dream hit a kick of his own. These moves always look a little weird because the wrestler jumps face first toward the other wrestler's foot. What was he going for?
Dream slammed Cole onto a car hood and grabbed a ladder. He beat Dream down to give himself time to drive the ladder. He climbed to the top
The Undisputed Era, or at least Bobby Fish and Roderick Strong, pulled up in a car, and while Dream was distracted, Cole climbed the other side of the ladder. But Dream knocked him off and into the windshield below. Cole cut his arm up on the glass.
Undisputed era attacked Dream and put him out of commission, then went to check on Cole. Cole ordered them over to the monster trick, from which they began tossing dozens of chairs into the ring. Mauro Ranallo said he was having an ECW flashback.
Dexter Lumis arrived from underneath the ring and attacked Undisputed Era with a chair. Lumis single-handedly beat down Roderick Strong and Bobby Fish and tossed them in the trunk of his car, then sped away.
Cole slowly made his way back to the ring, where Dream was still recovering and climbed to the second rope. He jumped right into a Dream Valley Driver (which Ranallo called a Panama Sunrise), kind of on the chairs. Now Dream took to the top rope and hit a Purple Rainmaker on Cole, who was sitting in a chair. Cole kicked out at two.
It was time for Dream to get serious, so he took his shirt off. Dream told Cole his dream was about to come to an end. So Cole punched him in the balls. The Chadster has been punched in the balls once or twice in his day, by my wife, and it's not pleasant. Cole hit a Panama Sunrise, this one firmly into the middle of the pile of chairs, and got three.
The Bottom Line 'Cause Chad Said So
Looks like Adam Cole is signing a new deal with WWE. I noticed while Cole was celebrating that the blood on his arm was totally dry, so I guess this took a long time to film. Todd Pettingill showed up after the match to sell WWE merchandise. Pettingill was shocked to learn that 1-900 numbers no longer exist. He also referenced AOL chat and showed Shawn Michaels and Triple H manning the computers. Or trying to, at least. Road Dogg, looking like a Walmart Santa, was flipping out in the background.
The Chadster is loving this whole PPV, and this match was a lot of fun. There were some hardcore spots, but nothing too bloody thanks to the magic of editing. Bleeding Cool is covering NXT Takeover: In Your House live, and you can find all our coverage here at this link.