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Big Brother Season 23 Episode 3 Review: Massive Cocktails & Veto Power
CBS brings the tension with the first veto competition of the season for CBS' Big Brother and it includes a crazy game with massive cocktails. First off, spoilers are plentiful and heading your way in this article…so turn back now if you don't want surprises. Ok, now we need to talk about Frenchie. The man who seemingly had a plan, now has had things go off the rails for him and this recent Veto competition did not help bring back any trust. Confirming the eventual confusion that was bound to happen, after the nomination ceremony many houseguests felt very thrown off, especially the nominees, Kyland & Alyssa.
It's nice to see Alyssa's progress, from seeming incompetent on the show, at least how she's previously been portrayed, into someone facing the challenges ahead with impressive intensity. Frenchie ended up having a heart-to-heart style conversation with Alyssa and Christian after the "showmance" confusion. In the end, Frenchie at least recognized that his assumptions, not others, put him in a sticky situation.
There were some fun, emotional, and groundbreaking moments before we saw the Big Brother veto competition. First, Sarah Beth opened up about her experiences growing up in an environment that was the opposite of accepting her bisexuality. Along with that, she explained the struggle she has in allowing herself to accept the love she has for her girlfriend, and to generally accept the happiness that comes with that. It was a pure moment and cool to see these houseguests supporting her, especially Claire, another bisexual woman in the Big Brother house.
Kyland revealed how the nomination was truly getting to him, being vulnerable in a positive way. Other houseguests such as Azah, Derek F, Xavier, Tiffany, and Kyland discussed an alliance that would be on the lookout for each other. They stressed the reality of many houseguests of color having a lack of presence in competitions like Big Brother. It was an important point made and it looks to be a powerful alliance in the making already.
The veto competition, "Massive Cocktails", involved the two nominees, Frenchie (the HOH), and three other houseguests randomly picked from a box by each other other competitors. The three other players picked were Derek X, Tiffany, and Kyland's choice of Travis. The competition involved directing a ball, the cherry, down a plank with an illustration of a cocktail glass on it, all with the help of giant plastic fruit slices and straw. When you think of Planko, that's basically the concept of it all, but with one small glass option to fall into at the bottom in order to win. It was a very close game, with both Alyssa and Derek X within seconds of each other. In the end, Derek X won the first veto competition of the season.
Frenchie continued to slowly and then quickly dig himself a hole when deciding who he would put up if Derek X used the power and removed a nominee. His initial deal that included Travis appeared to be in the dust as Kyland stepped off the block with Derek X's help, and Travis himself was chosen by Frenchie to replace him. The target is getting larger and larger on Frenchie's back for sure. Alyssa is determined to get Travis to be voted off, but she's got some work ahead of her. We'll have to see what she has in her set of tools before elimination tonight, July 15th, at 8 PM EST. Do you think Frenchie made big mistakes? Do you hope Travis or Alyssa goes home? Let us know in the comments below!
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