Posted in: Amazon Studios, Opinion, streaming, TV, TV, YouTube | Tagged: amazon, Amazon Prime, Amazon Prome, bleeding cool, cable, Cara Delevingne, Carnival Row, opinion, orlando bloom, prime video, Rycroft Philostrate, season 2, streaming, television, tv, Vignette Stonemoss
Carnival Row Season 2 Wish List: Revolution, Agreus/Imogen & Fae Philo
With Amazon Prime's Carnival Row expected to start offering viewers teases of when the second season will arrive and what will arrive with it, I wanted to reminisce a little about the first season (the reason why I originally joined Amazon Prime in the first place) and ponder what the future season (maybe seasons?) will bring. The show stars Orlando Bloom as Rycroft Philostrate and Cara Delevingne as Vignette Stonemoss- and it is their individual performances as well as their chemistry together that serve as the series' foundation. Overall, while I had some issues with pacing and a few bumps here and there, I was impressed by the world they created and the groundwork laid down for the second season- proving itself to be both haunting and magical in a way that kept my binge-watch running.
Most impressive about Carnival Row was the mythology behind it. I look for them to elaborate and build more upon it this season. The storyline had a few predictable aspects and at times sprinkled a few too many clichés and cheesiness, but it also helped give it that vibe of a stage play. The visuals were beautifully dark all throughout, though the pacing was odd at times (another aspect to work on). While it didn't factor into my overall enjoyment, getting so many of the answers we wanted so quickly made the show feel slow and fast at the same time- everything kept happening fast and being solved fast, or at least some clue would quickly appear. But when you have performances likes the ones from Bloom, Delevingne, and the rest of the amazing cast, these couple of points are easy to look past because of how easily you get caught up in their world.
With that said, here is a look at three major things I am hoping are addressed on some level:
- The fae community finally reaching its breaking point after being considered "critch" for so long. I think it is a different storyline avenue worth exploring, offering point-of-view perspectives on issues of prejudice and racism between humans and mythical creatures.
- As for Imogen Spurnrose and Agreus Astrayon, their story development was definitely a very fun point of the show and I am really looking forward to seeing where it goes. I really hope they truly care about each other instead of waiting for a moment to turn… and I really hope I did not just jinx it. I think a mixed couple POV in the midst of this race war is definitely an interesting one to pursue.
- As for Fae Mythology and Philo, I am really curious about how much we still don't know about it and how that will end up impacting our leads. Also, viewers are going to be expecting a deeper examination into why Philo is special and what role he plays in the bigger schemes at play. For Philo, the first season was about accepting who he was- for the second, I'm hoping we all learn more about who he is.