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My Hero Academia Season 05 E07 Review: Bakugo's Redemption Begins?
On this week's episode of My Hero Academia, "Match 3", Round 3 of the Joint Training battle is about to begin and the possible beginnings of Bakugo's redemption. While I tend to have a soft spot for some angry anime bois, Bakugo was not on my good list. Quite the contrary, as the bully he tends to be I kinda hated him, however, I always hope to see a possible soft spot come out soon because there is potential damn it! Anyway, it was a pretty fast episode that really left me wishing for more and also realizing we have about 5 more episodes to go about this arc. While I know at any given point things can take a turn for the dark, Dragon Ball left me quite traumatized about stretched-out storylines, to be honest.
Due to the damages on the previous battle, they have to take a short break to move locations. All Might decides to approach Deku to make sure all is okay, meanwhile Deku's team comments on how much time they tend to spend together, and Mina makes it a point to tease Ochaco about being too aware of what Deku does. Bakugo however does go to All Might and Deku to berate them about not being discreet enough about One For All. Though, despite being his usual self, Bakugo still sounded like he cared enough to make sure everything is okay. Even All Might noticed Bakugo seems to have his own way of caring. I truly hope this is the first step to a better and healthier relationship with Bakugo.
Round 3 battle is about to begin, Class 1-A Team Iida with Todoroki, Ojiro, and Shoji; on Class 1-B we have Team Tetsutetsu with Sen, Pony, and Juzo. The battle starts pretty fast since Tetsutetsu decided this battlefield was not enough for him and destroys everything around to make it a better-suited field for their quirks. Things move pretty fast as Class 1-A pinpoints their location and go there without wasting time. After separating Todoroki attacks and Class 1-B takes the upper hand from there. Turns out Juzo can make everything soft and Class 1-A falls into their own trap. However, Iida has new mufflers and he is ready to show off their strength and I am ready to see what happens on the next episode of My Hero Academia.