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My Hero Academia Season 6 Ep. 6 Encounter, Part 2 Review: OFA vs. AFO?
This week's episode of My Hero Academia, "Encounter, Part 2," was another wonderfully intense episode to follow the punch in the gut from the last one. Once again, the pacing continues to be amazing, not dragging or jumping ahead fast, it has been a great compliment to the action and story, as well as the animation of it. Even the music became a character in this episode, as it just made every moment count more.
This episode was a big bowl of OH SHIT! thrown at us. It was chilling and just kept my heart beating fast all throughout. The tables have truly turned for heroes, and destruction is afoot. Tokoyami has managed to get Hawks away to safety, maybe? Things have gone to hell at the villa as Toga disguises themself as a hero and goes on a killing spree after Twice's death. However, things are about to get even worse, with Gigantomachia being woken up by Shigaraki now and on the move. While there are some villains' backstories I am interested in and some I feel for, in the end, it comes down to needing the heroes to win. It seems that with Shigaraki, Gigantomachia, the Nomus, and the League, the heroes might be at a disadvantage. There seem to be a lot of things they did not take into account or that had no intel on.
Shigaraki has woken up and destroyed a whole city, but of course, the number one hero, Endeavor, takes him on. Something dark within Shigaraki seems to call out to One for All, and with Endeavor asking heroes for backup, Deku hears it. He feels that One for All is the real target. This was seriously a chilling scene— the way they managed to convey the terror setting over Deku as he heard that. That said, it was very fulfilling seeing Bakugo go with him, even if he says he just wants to mess up Shigaraki for what the League had done to him; there seemed to be a moment when there was some concern. Thank goodness Gran Torino was nearby and saved the boys just in time before they got touched by Shigaraki, who is using one of the Pussycat Dolls' powers to track them.
I know that by now, we all know how I feel about multiple episodes to denote moments in a storyline, some sort of response to the damage left behind by those long dragging episodes from DBZ and Naruto fillers. However, not at one point have I felt like My Hero Academia has dragged since season 6 started. It has been so full of action and not even that much exposition. I always dread those long-winded villain moments when they just talk about their masterpieces and their plans, but none of those silly cliches have been part of this season so far. This season has been an experience to watch so far. It has had me going from Oh Yeah! to Oh Shit! in just seconds. I do not think there has been an episode so far that has not had me screaming and spending half of it with my hand over my forehead, worried about the sake of every hero on screen.
So far, heroes seem to be quickly catching on to how powerful Shigaraki is now. Does his moving around even under Eraserhead's quirk mean that he is able to use every other quirk that Eraserhead is not targeting? How powerful is Shigaraki really, and how can they go against what seems like god powers? Is the voice in Shigaraki's head what ultimately might slow him down? I am terrified for the fates of all the heroes we have come to love. Also, can we talk about the use of font during Endeavor's attack? I love moments like that, and it makes it feel straight out of a manga. This season has really been on point thus far, and I am just so excited and scared for what is still to come with My Hero Academia. Is Deku's defining moment at hand?