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Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor, Digimon & More: Anime Returns We Loved Seeing
Within the past few years, there has been a resurgence of anime and animation making our inner child or teen geeks very happy. There is something so nostalgic about them that whenever I see them on screen I get weepy… Even more so now when the world calls for comfort and old friends that made us smile. In this case, old shows that kept us company while growing up and helped us overcome struggles while providing us with a place to escape from reality. Nothing in recent years has made me happier than seeing anime I loved coming back
Here are some of the anime that made my heart soar when they came back and some others I am so very excited about I cannot quite contain myself and patiently wait:
"Sailor Moon" with "Sailor Moon Crystal": Granted, I will not lie, I am not the biggest fan of the animation on Crystal. I think the animation leaves a lot to be desired. Not to mention Sailor Pluto and Endymion had a weird dynamic I was not too happy with- like did she have a crush on him or something? Anyway, while some characters are not my favorite, Sailor Moon was very influential in my life. It showed me girls can seem normal and still kick ass and be magical.
"Cardcaptor Sakura": It is no secret that this is my favorite anime. That said, the day I found out CCS was coming back I literally cried and called my sister who lives in Thailand just so I could have someone to scream with that would be just as happy. It is the one show we both find common ground over and rewatch just as much. Sakura is the one character that I always look up to and want to be like,
"Digimon": Indeed, there have been multiple Digimon storylines coming out. With each, I get just as excited. However, there is something about Digimon Adventure 2020 that gave me goosebumps and just made me feel like I was a kid watching it for the first time all over again. It made me fall in love with each of the characters again.
"Sorcerous Stabber Orphen": Growing up in the Dominican Republic, you get used to not having electricity at home for deep stretches of time… often causing you to miss episodes of shows you follow. I was never able to watch Orphen in its entirety due to this with deep gaps missing in between, however, I really loved this show and was obsessed with the artwork in it. I even named one of my fishies Leki after the little wolf/dragon pup Cleao adopts along the way.
"InuYasha" with "Yashahime: Princess Half Demon": As a teen, some anime used to air on Cartoon Network in DR. I used to wait through 60's Batman just to watch InuYasha. Any reason to have them back makes me happy. I mean, now they have a family! Only a few episodes in and I have a few questions, but the fangirl in me is ecstatic despite the high stakes.
"Shaman King": This one used to air on Fox Kids- a channel that brought me a lot of happiness as a teenager in DR and the reason I know Digimon in the first place. Shaman King along with a few other not as famous anime was one I followed religiously. I loved the character design and I am elated it has not been changed for the reboot. It truly looks amazing and I cannot wait for it to come out already.
"Animaniacs": Okay, I know this isn't an anime but you're going to let me have this one- okay? That cartoon was a huge influence on my life and who I am. As opposed to Sakura, who brings out the best in me, Animaniacs showed me sassy, quick thinking, and mischievous characters that always had a plan and response at hand. It was another show I loved the animation of. The preview made me giddy and I am looking forward to hearing them and seeing them in action.