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Star Trek: Picard Season 2 Episode 9 Review: Ready or Not, Here We…
The Star Trek: Picard season two penultimate episode "Hide and Seek" sees all paths converging to the defense of La Sirena from those who wish to change the future led by the assimilated Jurati (Alison Pill) and Adam Soong (Brent Spiner) and a band of mercenaries. The ragtag group led by Jean-Luc (Patrick Stewart) & company try to fend them off before the new Borg Queen gets control of the ship. Obviously, now would be the time for a minor spoilers warning moving forward…
Aside from the main arc of the defense of the ship, the party is split off with Picard and Tallinn (Orla Brady); Rios (Santiago Cabrera), Teresa (Sol Rodriguez), and Ricardo (Steve Gutierrez); and Raffi (Michelle Hurd) and Seven (Jeri Ryan). With Jean-Luc and Tallinn, we get more of a complete picture of his past as a young child and the trauma he buried deep within himself. It served more of a purpose to distract from the heavy-action sequences from the episode with the predicted outcome. The cat-and-mouse game between Picard and Soong was actually underwhelming since it felt like Spiner's lesser rehash of Arik Soong from Enterprise.
With Rios with Teresa and her son Ricardo, we get more of an excuse to fridge the 21st-century characters since they weren't really meant to contribute more than just a side arc as opposed to what the whale biologist ended up doing in Star Trek: IV The Voyage Home. The most interesting was the duo of Raffi and Seven who actually get to their end objective getting some great stunt work in not to mention we get a return so to speak of Evan Evagora's Elnor more than making up for lost time throughout the season.
The duality between Pill's Jurati and Annie Wersching's Borg Queen is at play again and actually comes to an anticlimactic impasse. As a Star Trek fan, I'm really proud of this new direction. I get this is just another thing Nu Trek haters will just gripe about again because they postulate they have better ideas of the grand design or somehow tapped into the real soul of Gene Roddenberry. If you can do better, then put yourself out there to write for the show, or stick to your fan fiction and rewatch your old canon.
Directed by Michael Weaver and written by Matt Okumura and Chris Derrick, "Hide and Seek" resolves most of the season's major arcs so you can treat it as a part one of a two-part season finale. It doesn't leave that much left in terms of tension, but there are still a couple of free radicals unaccounted for so there's that. While there was considerable build-up at the beginning, it did drag during the more predictable parts but wrapped with a strong finish.